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Advice on 1978 Blower Motor

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I've final had it with the virtually non-existent airflow from my current blower, and will be doing an upgrade on the blower. I know there are a bunch of threads about this upgrade but wanted to consolidate all the info in one place. I hope to get all the info I can and when I do the upgrade. I plan and hope to document everything that gets down so it will be a easier reference for the future maybe even a stick. From searching on here, google and other forums I have come down to either using the 1988 Honda Civic/CRX blower motor (they are the same from what I have read), or the mid 90s Kia Sportage blower. My questions and concerns are

1) Looking online at the honda motor it doesn't come with the wheel. Can the current wheel in my 280z fit with the motor or will I have to change the wheel?

2) It has been mentioned previously that with a more "powerful" motor it will draw more amps. Besides adding a relay what other options are there? (I'm not really good with electrical work) Is it necessary to change anything at all?

3) Out of the two motors anyone have an input in which might be better functionality/performance wise and installation wise?

I found this link http://www.maplesoft.net/datsun/repa...core/index.htm

which I think I'll be using as my guide along with anything else that is contributed in this thread. I'll also check and probably fix up the foam ducting to the vents to minimize loss of air. I know this has been talked about to death, but I appreciate any input and advice that y'all might have. These triple digit weather is not fun at all.

Edited by EGOfoodie
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Mine was from a 1999 Kia Sportage.  I'm not sure about the year range otherwise.  At the yard, I think every Kia blower of that era (late '90's, early 2000's) looked the same - no matter the model.  I chose the one from the Sportage because it had the most cabin space...


There are a couple of install threads with good pictures of the Kia blower.  You might search for those and check them out.  I didn't have the foresight to take pics of mine and my install.

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