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Draw Through Turbo project for my 2.9 Stroker L series

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03-01-2025 TURBO PROJECT UPDATE.  Carb is out with John at V-Performance being gone through again, as something I can't find is wrong.  At any rate, I used the day to get back in the car, and go through the wiring.  The Water/Meth injection pump wasn't coming on like it's supposed to.  I did some rewiring and changed the point where my switch is in line with the main power to the pump instead of the relay switching power.  IT WORKS!  So all is cleaned up now and I snapped a pic.  I think I am going to get a piece of black leather or vinyl and cut out a flap that will cover some of the setup on the side of the tunnel, cover the wiring so I can still see my stuff, but all the wiring is hid a little better.  I also wired in a very small amber light that comes on to let me know when the pump is running and providing water/methanol.  I Tightened up the motor mounts I had left loose for insulating the brake master cylinder area, and cut out 2 plates of aluminum to cover some spots on the firewall.  I normally polish them then install......later I can quickly take them off, polish them to match the others and quickly re-install.  I also happened to notice my fan belt snapped, so I ran down and got another.  Weird that it was worn out in 500 miles, but then the guy at Oreilley's was reading about it, and said the belt I was using was for under 1 horsepower usage.  I had picked it originally as it was the right length and size for what I need.....I put another new one on for now and will need to find the same size in a fan belt that is heavy duty and won't wear out.  Anyone know of a place that makes them out of Kevlar fiber? :)  Anyway, that was today.  I just need the carb back and then go to the muffler shop to tie the exhaust together and the project will be done.  Fine tune and maybe DYNO test.  Pics follow 






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03-08-2025 TURBO PROJECT UPDATE:  As the carb is still at the shop, I did a few other things today.  I received the reproduction Fuse box console cover, and moved all the factory attachments to the new plate and reinstalled, then I worked on the cover of the wiring exposed in the passenger side trans tunnel.  The material is a faux leather material I got on eBay as well as a button kit.  After figuring out how the buttons are installed, I then held the upholstery in and kept trimming it with scissors until I had the pattern I wanted and then added the snaps.  I had to use tape, and tools, wood block etc. to hold them in place as the Gorilla glue dried, so in looking at the pics you will see the tools being used moved as they are being used to hold the snaps in place while the glue dries.  Lastly, I had to make a trip to Lowes for additional hardware, but was able to get the upgraded fuel pressure regulator setup installed and sealed up with thread sealing dope.  See pics attached.  Cheers! :)

















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