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Adding Backpressure?


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Didn't Mitsubishi produce a car with an all electronic, active cancellation muffler? Put a speaker in the muffler, a microphone some where near the cat and an amplifier/brain inbetween the two. The microphone senses the sound "beat", then the amp/brain, accounting for the time it takes for the sound to travel the length of the exhaust, pumps an amplified signal into the muff that is 180 degrees out of phase with the exhaust note.


I have read write ups that says this works, with NO backpressure.


Probably a bit much for the average garage mechanic.

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I remember reading somewhere about a resonance cancellation using a sound wave generator. This sounds great for quieting exhaust (or better yet, programming in a nice Italian note) and minimizing backpressure from obstructive resonances but it won't change gas flow characteristics i.e., more flow through a large tube than a small one. You would have to start with a huge dia. tube (needed for high rpm use), then introduce enough acoustic counter bombardment to resist the flow of gas at low speed so that back pressure was created. Heavy metal might do it, or some rap...hey, that's what those guys are doing at the stoplights..backpressure, yeah that's it! DAW

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Why don't you guys use one of the ricer muff's that has that insert deal that goes in it and makes it quiet. Use that for testing, and then take it out, or the muff off and put your normal one back on.


I hate smog regs and noise regs. I mean if you have a oil smoking pig of a car, it needs to get off the road, but as far as muff's go, Honda's have to be the loudest freaking cars with after market exhausts, an the ricers have stereo's that are even louder.


Damn, why don't they worry about terrorists and the spotted owl and leave us car guys alone?

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