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Fuel pump not working...


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Hey guys, I could use a little help in troubleshooting a little fuel pump problem that i have on my 77 280Z...

I had to completely rebuild my car down to the unibody because of an accident... the car ran when i took it apart..

Anyways, i have everything hooked up, ( i believe) but when i turn the key to the on position the fuel pump doesnt run. nor does it kick on when i turn the engine over. I suspect that i am not getting power to the computer but i am unfamiliar with the power connections from the battery to the computer. I moved my battery to the back of the car and ran a positive lead to the starter and the ground to one of the bolts securing the starter to the tranny. The only thing that i can see isnt hooked up is a fusible link (red wire) that previously went to one of the battery terminals. i seem to remember the car running without it hooked up... but to be sure i turned the key to the no position and checked the link against a ground point and a positive point with no change...


Does anyone have some advice to give? i'd like to get the thing running...


thanks guys.

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Just to let you know, I do have a FSM, but the wiring diagrams arent helping me out, i checked the FI relays and the dropping resistor, my connection to the air regulator is good, and i believe the connection to the AFM is good too...

I'm a bit stumped...

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If I remember correctly, one of those leads off the battery terminal is for the computer itself.


One way I used to check my pump when it was turned on was to push on the flap in the AFM..


I think the lead was red or white ...or both (they are not on mine anymore)

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I ran a wire directly from the battery to the fuel pump, and it does work... On my car there is one Blue wire, that to me doesnt look like a stock wire, it's insulation is too good, and one red wire that comes from the efi harness.... hmmm on second thought i do have one more thing to check...


so... which post is the white wire on? and am i correct to assume that the white wire connects to the red wire that is fitted with a fusible link? And then that pesky blue wire must be a ground... I'm going to go try hooking it up like that... hopefully that will solve the problem...

But in my FSM it appears to be that the blue wire goes directly to the positive post, and the red wire also links to it Via fusible link?


now i'm really confused..


Would someone be so kind as to verify some of this for me?


thanks very much for your time


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YES thats it... you got it...


the blue wire may be something somebody added for a stereo or fog lights etc...


but the rest of it you got right... :D


Originally posted by joeinCA:

so... which post is the white wire on?

and am i correct to assume that the white wire connects to the red wire that is fitted with a fusible link? And then that pesky blue wire must be a ground... I'm going to go try hooking it up like that... hopefully that will solve the problem...

But in my FSM it appears to be that the blue wire goes directly to the positive post, and the red wire also links to it Via fusible link?


now i'm really confused..


Would someone be so kind as to verify some of this for me?


thanks very much for your time


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I thought that the blue wire may have been added later, But it is wrapped in the stock wiring harness...


So, the red wire connects to the white wire, which is on the positive terminal?


is that what you are confirming Cruez?

Thanks again for all of your help,


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I went to my local auto parts store and spoke with a guy that owns a 280Z. We went out and looked at his car. So now i know i have the EFI hooked up correctly. But it still isnt engaging the fuel pump, or running the injectors. Are there any safety switches or sensors that need to be hooked up in order for the EFI to operate the fuel pump? ( aside from the ones on the engine itself?) Ive been reading through all of the fuel system section in my FSM but i have yet to find anything that would point to the problem i am experiencing...


If anyone has any insights, it would be greatly appreciated.


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Put a test light on the wires downstream of the battery connection to confirm that its getting power.


You can't tell if its getting a good connection unless you test it...


Also check your fuse links also....that may be a culprit also..

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