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NOT a good day for me

David K

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And for those of you who say they dont deserve to be taken out, let me say one thing. We take their soldiers and give them food, water, blankets, and dont harm them one bit. As soon as these Iraqis get a hold of a few of our guys they shoot them in the ******* head!!!!! WTF. Now i hope many of you see who we are dealing with now.


BTW, my brothers unit was ambushed and many soldiers from there have died, and i dont know if he was one of them. He is in the 3rd inf. div.


Sorry for the rant.

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...BTW, my brothers unit was ambushed and many soldiers from there have died, and i dont know if he was one of them. He is in the 3rd inf. div....



Man, I hope and pray he made it out alive. It is a very stressful time for you and your family---don't beat yourself up about it.


Praying for him, man.



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I hope you brother makes it thru ok. The 3rd Inf Div is a large unit so I'd say the odds are in your favor that your brother is alive and well. I know what he is going thru, as I was there in 1990-1991 as a US Marine. I can tell you as a veteran that we are over there doing a job. It is a dangerous one, but we will prevail. Keep sending him letters as it will remind him why he is there and it really helps your morale when you are far away from home and in combat. My hat is off to all the soldiers, like your brother, fighting to defend our way of life. Semper Fi! Rick

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Guest ON3GO

just pray and believe he is ok, and im sure he is... ill also pray for ur brother and your family.

and im with you we do need to take them out, and for those ppl who are anti- war and anti- BUSH.. i then say ur PRO saddam.

Pres Bush is doing one hell of a job and ppl have to undersatdn what kind of pressure he is on, and also our troops.

good luck to all!!



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Guest bang847

It really worries me alot now that the ball is rolling. A few months ago when it was all talk I think we all took it for granted. I knew that war was ugly but didnt really feel the full effect until recently. I wanted peace. Why couldnt that SOB Saddam leave?


David, now that we know I'm sure that your brother is in our prayers, as are all of america's service men.


We are all hoping that he will be alright through this.

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Just be sure to remind your brother that we are all behind him,and that he is fighting for a just cause.

There are so many BASTARDS out there protesting the war that it may overshadow what the "Real Americans" think.

We will get him, :evil: and he will pay for what he has done to the people of Iraq, as well as our service members.

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Guest Aaron

You and your family are in my prayers. God can provide the protection and comfort you, your brother, and family need.

Psalm 61

       1 Hear my cry, O God; 

Attend to my prayer.

2 From the end of the earth I will cry to You,

When my heart is overwhelmed;

Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

3 For You have been a shelter for me,

A strong tower from the enemy.

4 I will abide in Your tabernacle forever;

I will trust in the shelter of Your wings.Selah


We made a mistake by not taking him out when we had a chance in 91. This time, the job will get done and justice will be served.


On a lighter note, I keep waiting to see the footage of a HybridZ doing a burnout and then driving through an intersection full of protesters at a high rate of speed. I believe in people's right to peaceful protest, but when they start blocking intersections and attacking police then they have gone too far.


Rick, I have always wanted to know what Semper Fi means. I have never been given a straight answer.

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