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msa show + sun = burnt raisin

David K

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Had a great time showing off with the Hybrid guys today. My face is sadly burnt and very sore. Parked with Griemann and John C. Got to meet lots of guys like Dan Juday, Van, Michael (mxs666), Tim240z, RatedZ from Las Vegas, Marcos, and lots others from the internet. I was looking for ZR8ed from Canada, but i could not find him. The MSA show is a great excuse to come out and meet up with your buddies and get a great sunburn! :D SOME pics soon, cheers.

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Yeah, for the short time I was there, I managed to get burnt too. One heck of a drive back home though. Traffic in LA, and then all the stupid drivers on I5. One minute you're doing 85MPH and the next 55. Then I get to 580 and its pouring rain. A few times I thought I was going to flat out spin, because all the friggin' water on the road. That's with good rain tires to boot.


Anyways, to get back to my point, just wanted to say it was nice meeting some new people. Seeing the few I met before that made it down was extremely cool. . Just wanted to say thanks to Dan. I came down by myself, but he let me tag along at the end of the show (Well, I really didn't give him much of a choice). I don't know too many of the guys personally, so I'm a little like a deer in the headlights at these things; its nice that the few you know will put up with you.


Dave K., I wanted to match my screen name to my face. I don't think I told you. Anywho, I was the blonde haired kid that you met at the end of the show by the name of Ryan.


Lastly, did anyone see where Dave Griemann's award went? I think that little dog the lady was toting around managed to eat it somehow. That really sux Dave, the car is extremely well put together and gorgeous too. Are you planning on doing anything else to it?

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I need to get a Hybrid hat and t-shirt. I'm guessing I have to wait for the new ones.


Anywho, we need to get some more Bay Area guys to go down or at least some sort of caravan from Sacramento and so on.


I'm not aware of any Bay Area HybridZ chapter or at minimum, some sort of Z group. Hmmm, ideas coming to mind. OUCH! Having to work brain sucks. Well, just throwing some ideas out there after being down at MSA.


I forgot about ZONC, but I wanna say they are purists. Don't know for sure though. They are probably too far up north for me.

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Moridin, i agree with you. Myself, i see more guys posting on this site from Northern Cali and Central than Southern Cali guys do. It would be great to round them up and make the trip down. Even if your Z is bone stock and dirty, ugly, and in the works........itll still be cool that everybody gets to meet.

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You whitey weenies! Sunburn' date=' sheeesh. I got nice TAN.


Toughen up and next year you can hang with Vince and I. :D[/quote']


Hmmm...this coming from the 'gringo' who could handle the very mild Hooters hot sauce? :D:D:D:lol::lol::lol:



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Well I didn't get sunburned :oops: because I used sunscreen and left at 1:00pm. I had to go to a Baptism. I also went to one on Saturday, figure that... :shock: lol I would've taken my Z and parked it next to the Hybrid'ers if I didn't have to go somewhere. I hope to take my car to next year's show. It was cool meeting other Hybrid'ers.



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I was just reading about the other meet that is going to be a month or so after MSA. I'd love to actually have the car somewhat put together to take it down. I really want to autocross it and see how I do. Guess I better start getting some practice so I don't look like an idiot. Need to get some sort of caravan going from up here.

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After reading some of the stuff that went on with Mike Kelly, I'm not sure they will want to negotiate anything.


Dang, spank anything, huh? If I were you, I'd start checking out how fast some of these Cobras are going with a few simple mods before you make claims like that :)


Wish my Z would be done by then. Ain't going to be a chance of that happening though. Too much to do. Want to get the body done before anything else. Then interior, brakes, suspension, and lastly, engine and drivetrain.


I was at least thinking about getting a karting thing together for the z car guys up here. At minimum, that will get us together and talking. Ideas fly so much faster in person sometimes.

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Guest livewire23
Even if your Z is bone stock and dirty, ugly, and in the works........


Hey, you trying to say something about my Z??? :lol: Yea, I think it would be cool to have a norcal chapter. Let's see, off the top of my head we've got davy, don, mudge, len, and thats just the people I've met, and can remember this instant. There must be tons of folks around here.

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Livewire, where in the Bay Area are you? There are some others from the Rio Vista meet too. I know the Diablo Valley Mustang Club meets once a month at Fuddruckers in Concord. Maybe we could figure something out a little more central, or even rotating locations for a meeting. Need some more input from everyone to put something together.

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