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how do you deal with an idiot?

David K

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Guest Damn Cracker

its simple really, jut slap thecap out of hm. Or ofer t help hm with "weight reduction", and take al h parts you want. :-D

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Guest Anonymous

You can't tell and idiot anything. Just ignore him or make it clear that he is not wlecome around your place. Life is too short to have to deal with dumb shits. Improve the quality of your life and distance yourself from him. Mark

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LOL mark, its not my quality of life, im just too nice to tell him to shove off. Get this, he got mad at me and went to join a different car club than mine for "payback". The mentality of these kids, its so extremely funny! So different than I, and im only 23. Boy do a few years make a difference. :D

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You can't tell and idiot anything. Just ignore him or make it clear that he is not wlecome around your place. Life is too short to have to deal with dumb shits. Improve the quality of your life and distance yourself from him. Mark


Damn straight.

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Guest greimann

Dave, you have an opportunity to show him how mature people deal with difficult situations. Perhaps you should take him under your wing and give him some fatherly advice like this:



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Sounds like he has a serious case of identity crisis and has no self esteem at all--as soon as you hear guys bragging about themselves, you know they feel so inferior that they can't help but start talking.....


....then again he might just be stupid :D



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Get that kids a** down to Dromo One. Have him race against a little competition. He needs an outlet for speed. See if you can get him out to the track. If he doesn't stop, just see what time his dumb a** comes home from school, and make sure there is a cop sitting there evertime. He's only 17, so anything more than three points will get his license suspended. That's cumulative, not just at one time. If he keeps acting like this, I'll personally go down there and give him a beating. Hell, I never did anything that dumb when I first got my license two years ago, and I still don't.


In all reality, it seems like he's trying to prove something to you. He probably looks up to you as an older brother or mentor. Get him into racing before he kills himself, or worse, someone else.

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Guest livewire23

i hope he's a real dumbass if you get his license taken away. As someone who just had his license revoked over dumb sh*t, I can tell you, its really infuriating. (no, I didn't even break any laws). Im just saying. Probably better off getting him on a track and showing him how things really are. I've shut a few people up just by getting them on a track and showing them what's real. Then, if that doesn't work, there's always mopar cams. :wink:

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