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what the 350z should have been

David K

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I found this pic on a geocities site and it was the first time ive ever see it.


Ok i removed the rear vents, the side z marker, and the front fender light. Still need someone to jump in there and do the hard top.





I love that pic above, but i really feel that the new z should have had looks similar to the Mercedes SL.





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David, I like the pictures! I think you can leave the badge on the rear sail panel, but I think you were right on the money to get rid of the rear brake ducts.


I disagree with you though, on the Mercedes. I think it looks to chunky to be a Z. The high nose and blocked off rear light panel makes it look more like a German version of a fox-bodied Mustang than a Z car. It's a very nice car, it's just not a Z.

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