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High Tech Ride!!!


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Guest Thurem

ROTFL, you made my day, I think Biff is prolly an a$$hole. I try to avoid that situation when taking little girls on the back of my bike.


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i can relate to his story... I'm not a famous yahoo just a mech in the air force... every once and a while we get rides. and i tell you this much i will never take another one again. my story pretty much follows his


My flight left elmendorf air force base with a normal takeoff. i was the jet that goes verticle in a missing man formation. ... anyways we take off im really surprised at how close everyone is flying. we get about 10 min into the flight and he asks me if i wanna pull some Gs. I dont really want to ... i know what will happen. but i said yes... we procede to pull a g manuver that exverted 8.7 g.s on my body, we level out turn right and pull 9.1 for about 10 seconds.... i almost passed out. we level out im felling fine taking in the schenery thinking this isnt all that bad when i had this burp that was like when you eat too much and burp and alittle stuff comes up. I thought to myself maybe i should get a bag out. from that point it was all i could do to get that bag out in time to catch to stuff coming out;<


we flew straight and level for about 10 minutes,.... flew right over mt McKinnley as i was peeking out around the bag wrapped around my face thinking wow this would be cool if i wasnt puking my brains out ;>


ok its over im felling better. now its time for the flyby so we turn back towards base.


We are about 2 minutes out when the call comes the 10 minute speech has just started. so we had to wait. we had to start flying circles out over the bay. I was very concerned now as the 4 ship was so close i could read small print under the jets and could jump from one wing to another. the pilot tells me we are going to have to fly the tight 3 g circle until the call comes to head in. well about 2 minutes into this i start hurling again. nothing comes out, i had purged everything about 10 min earlier. I proceded to dry heave for another 10 minutes until we leveled out and head in. we were at something like 6000 Feet on the way in when i remembered the flyby was going to be at 1000 feet. i could see the groups of people gathered when the bottom fell out as we decnded to 1000 feet for the fly by. i immediatly started puking again and did so all the way thru the vertical climb to 15000 feet thinking how cool it was that even though i was upside down my puke was staying in the bag.


Well landing was uneventful as we pulled into EOR (end of runway inspection) i starting again and didnt stop till just before we pulled into chocks. the pilot had allready called the jet as Code 1 and the backseater (me ) code 3. I though i was going to be ok.... not... it took me 10 minutes to get out of the jet. once out, i stood on what felt like a trampoline for 5 min. i walked towards the debrief building which turned out to be a brisk walk so i could make it to the can ... you guessed it had to puke again. i spent another 10 min in the can. Now drenched in sweat i change back into my normal uniform and head to the car. its about a 20 drive home... i had to pull over twice.. yep you guessed again had to puke... i was afraid a cop would come by and think i was drunk ;<


well i finally make it home and yes you guessed headed to the bathroom where i spent the next 30 minutes. this was on a friday i slept for 16 hours and didnt feel 100% until monday when i went back to work.


If any of you have had a drunk that made you sick for more then 2 days (I have) this is exactly what it felt like. I was kinda upset i had to expeience the massive hangover of being really drunk and not get to have the fun of the night before ;>


well thats my story not quite as good as above but it my story ;>


P.S. i will never ever fly in a fighter again. My life would have to depend on it to do it again... even then i would have to think about it for bit

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I haven't flown in jets, but my wife bought me a dogfight at Air Combat USA http://www.aircombatusa.com/. All I can say is you guys should save your pennies 'cuz its the most you'll have with you pants on! Plus, you get video of yourself when you're done.


The funniest part of my video is when I'm in this continuous loop 45 degrees off vertical trying to get on the tail of my adversary. I'm pulling between 5 and 6 Gs for about 60 seconds and you can hear me grunting, squishing farther down into the seat, my head pinned to the seatback, and my cheeks sunken down to jowels. My friends say I looked and sounded like Jabba the Hut.


Meanwhile, my instructor in the next seat is sitting bolt upright, looking around, talking, breathing easy, and generally on top of everything. And he was a retired Navy and retired airline pilot who was celebrating his 68th birthday that week!

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