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If this doesnt make you laugh...


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Damn, too many users. LoL, I'm in now...


The only thing that tops this in embarrasment, is the Berkeley U student, who accidentally put his own video cap of him with a hooker in his dorm room, in his SHARED directory for KaZaA. Most embarrasing moment? "You know I'm asian right, dont expect much."

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Sigh, good lord whats this world coming to! next thing you know every goober on the streets going to think they can handle a bo or sword! :roll:


10 plus years of studing in Bujinkan Taijutsu and not even I would film myself! during practice!

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MUDGE i met that dude on the bart (uc berkeley)

oh and it wasnt an accident


he struck up a conversation with me and eventually asked me if i had seen this video of a uc berkeley student with a web cam on the web

lol i said naaaa

then he starts bragin about how many people had seen the video and how respected the dude was


i got off at the next stop and started laughing my ass off


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Guest tt350

Man, this is the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life. I had to put it on Kazaa. :lol:


The guys a frakin doofus. The unedited one with him makin his own sound effects is sooooo figgin hilarious.


Thanks for that post.

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