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It's A Spring Thing!

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Thanks John!


Yeah, heard about Carroll. Sorry to hear that. I think I'll re-read his books in memorium.


The bumpstop thing - good one. I was thinking along the same lines, as a stiffer spring causes the tire more of an impulse than a softer one. Of course the bumpstop is the limit on impulse to the tire!

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Don't get me wrong guys, When Doug and I were first talking about this last time he was up the first thought that came to mind was how abusive the loading would create for the tires... And this well might be a Summit point main circuit ONLY kinda situation... BTW, Summit is opening their new Shennandoa Circuit later this summer. Supposed to be a MUCH nicer track!


John, What type of Tie rod are you running???


Mike :D

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Tim' date=' I agree with your theory - in part.


But I think that if you consider the dynamics of what's going on, the stiffer spring (and attendent shock/setting) will create a tendency to break away sooner.




Pete - if you are talking about the change in oversteer/understeer balance, I agree that the stiffer fronts should move the balance towards understeer. It sounded to me like Mike was talking about fixing problems with the rear end locking up due to weight transferring away from it. Lateral weight transfer will be affected, fore/aft will not be affected.


I was going to mention that there might be other legitimate reasons for limiting front suspension travel during braking - bumpsteer and suspension bottoming came to mind. It was just that fore/aft weight transfer didn't seem like one of them. This was why I was asking what gains were expected from this.

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I was in Detroit at the FSAE competition when Carroll Smith died... For those that don't know he's been the head judge of that competition for the past (12) years I believe. A great loss to that competition to be sure, as he had helped transform it from a little regional event to the worlds largest engineering competition, as well as the largest race week in the world. (by number of teams)


If anyone is interested in more information on the pilot/teacher/race car driver/engineer that was Carroll Smith, check out the following thread written by one of his close personal friends, Dr. Bob Woods. (also of FSAE fame)



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