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Ford Cobra Daytona kit pics

Heavy Z

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uh is it just me or does that cobra kit car look like the bat mobile with down syndrome :shock:






It's one of the absolute coolest looking race cars of all time IMO. I'd much rather own one then a 427 Cobra open top.




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  • 1 month later...

There was a Z-based Cobra Daytona kit available at one time from a company called Nalle. I have one of their installation manuals and some photos (nothing scanned) courtesy of one of my customers.


I have no idea where the molds wound up. If anyone finds them, let me know...I have received several requests for that kit!

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I have a friend with an old Daytona Coupe body kit on a 240Z. He did alot of modifications to the original kit to try and make the proportions closer to the original car. This kit was sold by someone in Virginia. I can try to get more info on it.


Unfortunately, the kit is separating from the rusty Z. The owner plans to remove the panels and store them until he can get $$, another Z, etc.

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AW had an interesting short on the "Brock Coupe" (remake of the Datona) being imported into the US. They were originally held up by customs and only recently allowed "in" as a result of Carrol Shelby deciding to litigate this later in time. As much time as Pete spent on these cars, I was a bit disappointed to hear Carrol considering litigation against Pete. I'm obviously not in his (Carrol's) shoes, but come on, you've had fun, and have just about sued anybody who makes a replica, so enjoy retirement and ease up. Yes, this is easy for me to say being I'm not trying to protect a trademark, but I hope when I reach his age (and medical condition) that I savour the great things I was fortunate to be involved in and rest peacefully in retirement.

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John, did I ever get back to you on this? He's now decided to keep the Daytona car and repair it back to usable/presentable condition to drive it.


Just my opinion, but Carroll can take a hike. All he's done for the past 20 some years in the car's arena is piss and moan about kit Cobras. This article sums up how I feel about the grumpy old fart:



In my youth, I looked up to him. Now I just shake my head when I think about him.

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My brother recently(last couple of weeks) spoke to a guy who said he had 5 of 7 Daytona replicas built by a guy here in Richmond VA. He sold them all to a guy in PA a few months ago. The reason we sought this guy out is he used to have a GTO Replica that we saw from time to time. When we asked him about the GTO, he said he never had a GTO, that he only had the Daytona's. Either he doesn't know the differance between a 250 GTO, and a Daytona, or he has lost his mind. I KNOW he had a GTO as recently as 5 years ago. This may or may not help anyone. I just thought it applied to this thread.

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I believe one of the guys with one of the Daytona kits in PA is named Vu. As I understand it, he purchased his from another friend nearby which tells similar story of a guy up north with several kits for sale several years ago. My understanding is that between Vu and his friend, they have at least 3 Daytona kits in varying states of less than perfect condition that they purchaased from this mystery man up north of them.


Vu has sent me several photos of these Daytonas over the years, none of which are very exciting to look at. Requests for better ones have not been answered so far.


btw, I was just contacted by the owner of Tomahawk Z kit #004 (of 29 made), a Cobra looking Z car based kit, in the SF bay area, asking me to photograph and broker for sale his freshly painted and restored Tomahawk Z. The Tomahawk kit is built on a 72 240Z and is running a Rebello performance engine with triple side draft large Mikuni carbs. Pics will be taken next week and Car for Sale ad will be published aobut a week later at ZPARTS.COM. For those that know how difficult it is to find a Tomahawk Z kit to buy anywhere in the US these days, this car may interest some of you or your wealthy friends. Please check it out soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just read this.

"Tom Nalle designed and built a conversion kit to transform Datsun 240Z sports cars into a quasi-replica of the Cobra Daytona Coupe. The kit consisted of a set of fiberglass panels that were attached to the Datsun body. Datsun running gear could be used, or an engine swap was available to fit a Ford 302 under the hood. Nalle was located in Richmond, Virginia."


Harold W. Pace- The Big Guide to Kit and Specialty Cars, page 151

Chapter 4 - The Eighties - Send in the Clones


Other than Jamie's brother's contact, this was the first I had heard of this kit. I've seen one parked in front of the Weyerhauser paperboard box plant in Richmond, VA (about 10 yrs ago) that may have been a Nalle car.

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