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Hunting naked women

Heavy Z

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I wasn't feeling bad for the prostitutes, but I did have a kind of darker image in my head before I saw the news report on it. That showed it for what it was - just a gimmick on the face of oldest business around. I know it sounds all sensational and screwed up, but it's really not much different than the rest of the crap going on in that line of work.

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Guest thebarracuda

for $2500.00?? hell yeah I'd strip down and let myself be hunted with paintball guns...


and IF I got hit, $1000.00 yeah, losing 1500.00 and having a huge welt on your chest/neck/face would suck, but hey. how else are you gonna earn 1k an hour?

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How about a shot in the ear, eye or crotch? Is $1000 worth losing hearing, sight or... ahem? Paintballs fly, and they do some damage. There is a reason protective equipment is worn while you play paintball, though I think that we all may benefit if these people can't reproduce. ;)

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Guest BigWhyteDude

Hey guys thid is coming from an avid paintball player... this is going to really damage the credibility of this sport. On a well regulated field paintball markers should be fired at no more than 285 feet per second. They were talking about shooting them at more than 320 at these stupid women. At close ranges 320 can draw blood but it is usualy in a small circle about the same size of the paintball hit. i know from personal experiance. But it can put your eye out if you are hit in the eye. It can possibly nock teeth out if it is shot from close enough. Yes it can even deffen you if you get shot in the ear as well. I work at a local feild and we REQUIRE that anyone that is watching or playing must wear a protective mask. It is for you own safety after all. I really can not stand ppl that do things like this. Again something i think apllies to this is....


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Theres nothing wrong with it. The women are out there on their own want, and nobody is even close to forcing them to do it. They are firing the paintballs at 200mph. The women know about the dangers of flying objects, part of being an adult. Its not going to damage the 'credibility' of the sport, :roll: I see nothing wrong with it, just a bunch of adults doing stupid things.....the same as sky diving, deep sea diving, stuffing v8's into little coke can cars, etc.


I play once in a while. Yes i come home with welts, cuts, bruises, etc, but they are damn cool!!! Some of the comments on this thread sound like they are coming from sensitive homemakers :roll:

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Guest Thurem

I just wanna know wether these guys get to have their way with these women after they hunt them down and shoot them.

Personnally I don't think it makes a bit of difference who you are shooting in a paintball game, you are still pretending to shoot to kill, for fun!!


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Really dumb, but I wish I would have though of it. I wonder how much those guys are really making on this stuff. Those funds would easily pay to have my Z all done. As for the women, just give them protective masks. The type of guys that are out there probably only care about a bare a** and some naked breasts.

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