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CA Recall Election Official - Could this be our new Gov?


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Guest spunkysandoval

Of course it is. The national democratic party is going to try and use the recall election as the brain child of the right wing agend. But like Tim said

"1/3 of the names on the recall petitions are democrats."


Crazy liberals

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Guest BigWhyteDude

mabe you guys could explain to a small town Georgia boy what is the big deal with your curent govonor?? I really dont understand the situation could someone clearify it for me :lol:

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So, I'm sitting here trying to calculate what percent of our $38,000,000,000.00 budget defficit the estimated $60,000,000.00 cost of the recall is. First off, I can't put 38 billion into my little Casio calcualtor. I start removing bunches of zeros and I get:


4.210526316 -04e


I assume I broke it. Suffice to say that 60 million is a very, very small percentage of 38 billion. A perfect analogy: as the Titanic is sinking we are arguing about how to rearrange the deck chairs.


FYI... California's budget is larger then the GDP of all but 5 COUNTRIES in the world.

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Heh, I've often thought that if the west coast of the US/Canada seperated and made our own country, we'd rule. BC/Alberta has probably 70% of canada's raw materials/resources. Water, wood, coal, iron, copper, gold, oil, wheat... we've got it all covered... we just don't do anything with it. Mix in the washington/oregon/california industry and damn there would be a lot of potential there. Who's up for it? ;)

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Guest BigWhyteDude

hey tim that reading did help me to under stand why most of you cali ppl dont like the guy. Ithink he should be hung upside down by his toes and flogged. :wink: Any who just my Georgia boy oppinion

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hey tim that reading did help me to under stand why most of you cali ppl dont like the guy. Ithink he should be hung upside down by his toes and flogged. :wink: Any who just my Georgia boy oppinion


Georgia huh? Don't you boys 'tar and feather' down there?! :D:D



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Guest BigWhyteDude

nah round here we just find a sink hole and through bodies into them :D There are a fair number of them here in bulloch county. hehe :D That or just a good old hangin will do.

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Georgia huh! Isn't that where the south east HybridZ get together is being held. In a ditch! well, we had better behave when driving thru Georgia then :shock: JK!



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