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R230 axle movement help I broke one


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I took out the car today and I ran into one problem with the cv axle. I did the same axle stop that Mark did but one of my axle's the cv ring (the part of the cv that goes around the splines) slid off of the splines. It looks like on the factory side they have a stop to prevent this. But on the new resplined side there are not any stops. I would like to see what others have done about this, I might just put a small weld at the end of the splines to stop the cv from moving to much.

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Do you think the problem was caused by using two inner cv`s? My adaptors allow me to use the inner and outer cv`s in there original position. I`ll keep you all(ya`ll for the southerners)posted on how they work out.


I`m also wondering if your shafts could be too short.

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I noticed the same potential problem for my r230 axles. What i plan to do is take it to a machine shop with one of those lathes(machine used to spin parts) and have them etch in a groove. Then I will put a snap ring in the groove. Hopefully that will prevent any movement.



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Guest Anonymous

The resplined end of the axel (mine) has a groove machined in it to match the other side. Snap ring on the end of my shafts has held up over many track days. Are you saying that you had no snap ring on the end of the shaft to keep the CV from sliping off the shaft? If not get one machined to match the factory end. Sean, are those the axels I sold you? They should have grooves on each end and with a stop on the in board side nothing should be able to come loose. Miles does look to have a good idea with his set up. I think the shortened axels (12") would work with his set up but I'm just going off eyeballing the parts. Has anyone put the R230 axels in with Miles adaptors? If so what is the shaft length used? Mark

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I had my own version of Miles adaptors made. I think my final axle length is 11 1/4". I had them made by Moser Engineering in Portland Ind.


So far, i think they are going to work just fine.


I`ll keep evryone informed on my progress.

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