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lack of pressure

Guest Zachb55

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Guest Zachb55

ok, im getting sortof mad now, i have been wanting to get my engine started for about a week now and i would have just went for it had i not noticed that my oil pressure gauge was reading nothin when i turned it over for about 30 seconds. i asked my step dad what i should do and he pointed me to a mechanical gauge that would tell me whether i have pressure or not, and that way i wouldnt have to rely on electronics not working. Since then its just gone down hill, i installed the gauge and oil didnt even fill up the line, i knew something was wrong with my oil pump, so it came out and i took a good look at it and made sure everything was going how it should, but the thing i noticed was that there wasnt a drop of new oil in the thing, and when i tore down the old engine, even with all the oil drained, i still had lots of oil in the pump. so all this just started looking more and more gruesom to me, cause now i know oil isnt getting to any of my bearings, and that is deffinately not good. my engine is starting to make weird noises when i turn it over with the started, but im hoping thats just a dieing battery... what could i be doing wrong that is giving me absolutely no oil pressure? i know the pump wont be able to pick up the oil since it cant pump the air out of the pickup line first, so i figured i would put a little more oil in, this didnt help, what am i forgetting guys? please help, im about to go find me a different engine! :cry:



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take the oil pump off, put some oil in it and using the oil pump/distributor shaft turn the pump.

If no oil is moved thru the pump, try another.

If that works . . .

reinstall the pump (making sure it is seated down in the pump correctly) and try the mechanical gauge thing again.


Things to ck,

the gear on the pump shaft

the worm gear on the chank

the oil pickup tube ?


Hope this helps

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Guest Zachb55

yes, i went so far already as to remove the oil sump, then the pickup, and i put a rubber hose up into the block and stuck my finger on it while i turned the engine over a few times... i had ZERO suction, my step dad said that it would prime itself (but i took it out and cleaned it up real well) so thats not going to happen. what grease do you suggest i use? i think first ill just try installing the oil pump again with a good fill of oil and then see how things work out... thanks for the ideas guys, i just hope i can get this thing running without too many more roadblocks like this. ill keep you updated on what happends. any other suggestions? i would love to hear what others have done in this situation.... if i could get through this without removing the oil pump again that would be great... :D



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Guest Want aZ

Though Ive never used it Ive heard that you can use Vaseline, as it is petroleum based, though I would recommend changing the oil within 500 miles, but you said it is a used engine...Just my .02



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Don't risk your bearings any more! Pull the distributor and oil pump. Remove the the distrubutor drive shaft. Fill the oil pump with oil and replace it without the distributor drive shaft. Using dowel stock shaped like a flat screwdriver and a drill turn the oil pump in run direction(CCW) until oil circulates. Check under the valve cover for oil to the cam also. Use your third arm or girlfriend to manually turn the engine over with a wrench on the crank pulley bolt while the drill keeps the pressure up. Reassemble and start the engine. The stock oil pumps almost never are bad and will prime fine with regular oil.

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Guest Zachb55

i didnt think of that idea, and i wish i had before putting it all back together, but i DID do some manual oiling with a syringe into the cam and crank so that those have some more oil on them while i test it, im not sure when im going to be able to test it next though, because last night i forgot i had put my battery on the charger, on BOOST :shock: , and so i woke up to a very nasty smell this morning, then removed the battery and well, it was toast anyways, but still it reaks around here. i guess ill see what i can do tonight after work, thanks for the input guys...



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