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Update on My son


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Hey everybody! Thanks for all teh support you have given my family through this crazy time. Thought I would give you guys an update.


My son has now had 3 of his 8 chemo treatments. So far he's been pretty tough, still playing with his friends, running around and not getting sick much. He's has a few side effects, and it does bother him a bit, but he's a tough kid and seems to be keeping a good attitude about it. The fact that all the doctors have told him he'll be cured has helped him a lot too.


The insurance thing is still getting worked out, but looks like most of the battle is over. The Doctors don't seem to be submitting the paperwork like they should, so we keep having to call Stanford and push. Better than paying the $7k it's up to right now! My insurance for my work will cover 100% after July 9th, so we only have a few hundred to take care of before then, and after Sept 1st, the insurance will only pay 90%, but that's still WAY better than what it could have been. Still going to be some money, but I have my Z money stashed for whatever happens. Whatever is left over pays bills and gets saved for the next project someday. My son's health is my first priority, but I can't say I haven't thought about another project :wink: .....!


Thanks for all your good words and support. My site is staying up, and all the tech info will stay up as long as I have the space. Also, my email is still up......and I keep checkin' HybridZ every day....gets in yer blood!


Take care everyone,



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I think it is super that your son is going to be ok---thank GOD!!!! :2thumbs:


Also, I'm very glad to hear that you apparently won't have to sell your Z car. If you can hang on to it, by all means do so.


And, last but not least: A bog thank you for keeping up your website with all the valuable tech info---very much appreciated!! :D



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Actually I sold my Z a month ago to a guy on the HybridZ site. I didn't want to be in a bind just in case I needed the money right away. Projects come and go, people don't.

Thanks for all the support.

Alex - I have plenty of webspace, thanks for the offer though.




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Guest BigWhyteDude

thats great news about your son. Im glad he is going to be alright. Sorry about your z though, like you said projects come and go but people dont. Good luck to yall.

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Guest comeandzpa

Glad to hear that your son is doing better! I have an aunt who is undergoing the same thing.... it's tough, but hang in there. Sounds like the doctors are optimistic!

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