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What's the best sandblaster for under $300?


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I need to remove some surface rust around the battery tray area, and I really don't want to remove the tray itself. It's very tight :x . I couldn't get any of my tools in there. Anyway, if you know of a place that sells cheap sanbaster please let me know.

Thank you,


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if you have an air source you could go pick up one that attaches to the hose and then you put sand in a bucket and stab the pickup in there and youve got a sand-blaster for under $50, thats what i did...



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I have the one that Tim posted and I'm very happy with it. You will need a pretty good volume of air or a lot of patience with a small compressor though. If you are just doing the battery tray I would pick up one of the cheapies and make do.

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Thanks guys. I like the one that Zed got for $79. I like the one that Tim and Jeff recommended too, but I don't think I can go wrong with a $79 sandblaster.


Zach, it seems like your method is working out real good for you. I just check out your website and well...I'm impressed.


Thanks so much guys,


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Sadly this is a subject I know too much about.

If using any sort of sandblast unit DO NOT USE WHITE SILICA SAND, it will damage your lungs similar to Asbestos.

Use Garnet or similar abrasive grit.

Do not rely on paper dust masks, use appropriate grade of cloth mask to suit dust from grit.

From experience I can inform you that what takes about 15 Min with hobby blaster can be done in 60 Sec professionally, so if you have an Abrasive Blaster in your vicinity I would recommend you take transportable components to them.


Despite all the bad consequences I still met a lot of car enthusiasts and got to work on some fabulous cars including a Ferrari 250 GT Lusso.


But please be careful! Neil :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I concur with Neil, it can be dangerous to your health. If there is a pro in your area it will only cost a fraction of buying the equipment. On the subject of doing it yourself I wouldn't do what ZachB55 suggested. It may work but for consistent quality you need to control the amount of sand being fed into the line.

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my blaster fed a consistent amount of sand the whole time i used it. it was basically what was showed above but you just hook it up to your own air source and then put the supply tube into sand and you have a good quality blaster. i was sure to use good respiratory protection and eyeware as well because without those it was just painful to be constantly blasted in the face from the bounce-back. i would have definately taken my stuff to a pro though just so i didnt have to deal with the mess and clean-up if i knew of one who did it within an hour of here... too late now i guess.



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