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THE best radiator for the job

Guest alien-e

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My L24 runs hot, and I suspect that the radiator is to blame (clogged with 30 years of sediment), and since I'm the kind of guy who loves it when parts break so I can replace them with better parts - I'm looking into buying a better radiator.


I plan on putting in an RB26 eventually, so what would be a good radiator to use now AND be a good match for the RB?

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The answer I should have gotten for this question would go like this.




The coolent connections from the engine to the radiator for the L24 and the RB26 are exactly opposite, so the real answer is, there is no radiator that would be good for your current use AND for the RB.


Thanks for your help S30 Bushido. Feh! to Tim240Z.

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Tim240z`s answer is EXACTLY CORRECT. If you had used the search funtion, you may have found that same information in your search. We are not here to spoon feed you the information. Especially if the topic has already been beat to death.


Your question should have read... I have used the search funtion but have found little or no information on what radiator would be usefull for my current needs as well as with my planned engine swap.

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Then all technical threads should start with "I have used the search functions on HybridZ.org, Zcar.com, and classicZcar.com but have found little or no information..."?


I don't mean to tell you how to run your forums, but if you don't feel like "spoon feeding" information, then send a link to the proper thread, don't respond to the thread, or just delete the thread.


I don't feel welcome here at all now.

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Obviously, you found the info that you needed somewhere, and apparently it wasn`t in this thread.

We are not saying that you have to list ALL of the places that you haven`t found what you`re looking for,but it should be made clear that you have searched.(at least a little)

The reason for pointing you to the Rules page was because you are a new member with only one prior post. As of late we have been inundated with questions from newbies that have been asked numerous times.


This is a free website operated on a free will donation basis. If you don`t like the rules, then your unwelcome feeling is justified, but if you are willing to follow the rules set down by the site administrators and moderators then, Welcome aboard,

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I don't feel welcome here at all now.

That is not the intent at all. :?


Like Denny says, we've had some 'problems' recently and we are now trying to nip some of the 'stuff' in the bud. It may come off as harsh in the beginning, but it's not intended to be.

Read the rules page, and at least attempt to keep them in mind as you post.


Welcome to HZ. Try not to take things too personally.


'nuff said, I think :D



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  • 2 weeks later...

We don't want anyone looking for info feeling unwelcome. The only ones I want to feel unwelcome are those that troll only to try to start trouble, etc.


Searching. Case in point. This weekend, I realized I needed to get new tires before I do a track event next week (thanks Mikelly for talking me into that!). So I searched HybridZ and didn't find much accept about drag radials. So I went to tirerack.com and read reviews. I went to http://www.corner-carvers.com. I went to google.com and tried probably 20 different searchs.


In a nutshell, I did my homework, and then came here to ask here because I know there are people here like Jon Mortenson (sp?), John Coffey, and others that know the answers to my questions about racing tires. I saved them having to totally educate me on the topic. I didn't feel qualified to even ask the question until I'd done some homework.

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