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-WARNING - Graphic video of Pizzaman exploding

Mike kZ

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I saw that on the news a week or two ago. The cops thought he was making it up (he had a pipe bomb locked around his upper body). He had just robbed a bank, and had instructions to rob two more after that one, but he freaked out. On the news, they didn't show the video of him actully exploding, but just the sound and lots of cops running over to him.

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the most recent thing i heard was that he was forced to do the robberies. if he didnt he would be blown up. he was supposed to bring the money back to a specific location and if he didnt he would be blown up!!!!!. this was a normal everyday guy with no record. the cops just let him die. he was begging and pleading for someone to remove the bomb :shock:

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

You sure this isnt another one of those fake videos? I would think a pipe bomb on your chest would be just a tad bit more messy than that.. :?


I think I even recall seeing that video like over a year and a half ago, and you say this happened a couple weeks ago?

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just walked in the door.


We got out on a 141. 10 seats onbly 4 takers .. i thought it was gonns be a good flight. we get to yokota and they tell us all the cargo is being downloaded so i figure they are going to open it up for more space A. then i hear there is none? we get back to the airplane now our 15+ seats has turned into just 4. they Loaded eve more cargo for the trip to alaska!!!!! we were in jumpo seats and it was bumpy all the way here :puke:


but i cant complain it was free. saved at least 5K+ taking space A :D more money for the car ;>

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Guest MistressMotorsports

It was all over the news. One problem with this video, though, is that the REAL guy who got blown up was leaning against a cop car at the time. The news had a video of him leaning against the car. They then cut away to show one of the officers, and then a big bank occurred off camera. They were apparently waiting for the bomb squad to show up, which didn't happen on time. I believe this link is fake.



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me video. it is not a fake i have both and they are identical just from different angles. he is not leaning against the cop car it is at least 20-15 feet behind him. if you want teh video you are talking about i can email it to you so you can compare

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