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I got my 280z L28et swap on the road today!


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I've had my car off the road since Aug 2001 and I just wanted to tell everyone that I finally got the car finished! Two years is a long time, and I really didn't have too many problems with the swap really. Just the fact that I refused to do any work to the car in the winter and taking EVERYTHING out of the engine bay to be able to paint under there kinda took up some time, not to mention the insurance claim to fix the front corner cuz someone cut me off.. The swap was easy and I'm really happy with the improvement to my car. That L28 NA just didn't have any snuff at all compared to this L28t!

I also wanna thank everyone out there that shared all their little tricks and info on modifing their Z

Wooo hoo! now I'm gonna go out and burn some rubber tonight!

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Guest bastaad525

pfffffffffffft what's with all this 'turn up the boost' stuff... when I first put my turbo motor in you guys were on me tellin me NOT to turn up the boost!!!! At least for a while until I was sure all was well :-P LOL it's been like what 3 mos now and all is still not well... ah well.. I turned it up anyways :twisted:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bastaad525

eh?? no you dont want me to be the tester... everything I test for you guys, even if it should and would work fine for anyone else, wont work for me because of my luck :cry: you'd never get any accurate results from my tests.


Seriously... I used to believe strongly in karma, and I've always tried to treat others well, the way I would want to be treated... I dont know what the hell I would have ever done to anyone for all this f'd up crap to keep happening to me...


I'm trying very hard to remain positive... and I absolutely will not give up... I get close some times... but so help me god I'm gonna have a fast 240 if it kills me

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