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to anyone who may have read my above post...


don't take that the wrong way... it was my completely sarcastic take on some of the us vs. them that can happen on any internet board and meant no offense to anyone. i occasionally forget that you can't see that someone's tongue may be planted firmly in cheek through a monitor, :oops: but i hope at least someone caught the fact that i wasn't exactly being entirely serious.... :bonk:


and aaron, i hope those aren't the kind of weeds that cannibalize metal! otherwise you might need more than just jackstands!!! :!:

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You know, the sad thing is, I could qualify for memberships in all of the aforementioned clubs/teams. :| Maybe what we need is a support group, like dead Hybridz annonomous or something. Wait a minute. . . I'm already a member. Username: Maichor @ http://www.hybridz.org. This forum is my therapy. 3 years and counting on my current project (Jackstands for 2/3 of that time, including now :( ). Maybe next year for me too! :D

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