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screw you, murphy, and your law


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as many of you might know, i've been way too pressed for time to work on my car. it's twenty miles away and i'm a restaurant manager. so, the only wrenches it sees half the time are the ones i leave in it. you can guess how excited i was when i actually had a day to go work on it.


so, after the little post holiday party at casa father-in-law, i moved out to the garage to hopefully make some decent progress. granted, it was cold enough out to make my nipples into diamond cutters, but who gives a damn. :twisted: i started tearing out the interior. console and passenger seat come out mostly without incident, so i feel good when i carry my newly- liberated datsolounger over to the drivers side to yank it's counterpart. i set my mountain dew down, light up a camel, and start to wrench, when all of the sudden....




the god-forsaken power went out. at least i couldn't see the seat nuts anyway, only feel them, so the lack of light was no real loss. i got the seat out, but with about a million other things i wanted to get done, i had to call it a day.


i'm really beginning to think there's some kind of curse on my finishing this car. :cuss:

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I'll add to this: today I thought it'd be a grand idea to redo the speakers that goodguys so poorly set up (i was working, didn't have time, gave it to them, i know, i know). So, got the panels off, got the speakers out, rewired, hooked everything back up, tested windows, locks, all work. great. Mom calls and asks me to drive her somewhere, so I leave. I pick her up, drive a block, there's a mosquito in the cabin. I roll down her window to let it out, it flies out, I click the switch to roll the window back up.


nothing happens. I try again. Nothing happens. I'm getting agitated, because it's cold out, and getting dark. I have no desire to leave my car with passenger window rolled down overnight anywhere.


Fortunately, I found the short in the system, and a good hour later it's working, sort of. At least the window is rolled up. Murphy can go f#ck himself!

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Some of Murphy's laws and Corallaries:


This one probably says it all:

The probability of anything happening is in inverse ratio to its desirability.


Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

You will always find something in the last place you look.


No matter how long or how hard you shop for an item, after you've bought it, it will be on sale somewhere cheaper.


The other line always moves faster.


In order to get a loan, you must first prove you don't need it.


Anything you try to fix will take longer and cost you more than you thought.


If you fool around with a thing for very long you will screw it up.


If it jams - force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.


When a broken appliance is demonstrated for the repairman, it will work perfectly.


Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will use it.


Everyone has a scheme for getting rich that will not work.


In any hierarchy, each individual rises to his own level of incompetence, and then remains there.


There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it over.


When in doubt, mumble. When in trouble, delegate.


Anything good in life is either illegal, immoral or fattening.


Murphy's golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules.


Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.


A Smith & Wesson beats four aces.


In case of doubt, make it sound convincing.


Never argue with a fool, people might not know the difference.


And some more:



Any I Love this one:

Horse Power increases as the square of cost :D



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Sunday morning I was awakened by a blood curdling scream of "AARON HELP!!". I run to the kitchen (still in underwear) to see the oven on fire. So, grab the fire extinguisher, open oven, spray, go flip the breaker off. Breakfast was ruined. Dust was everywhere, had to open the doors to clear the air. It appears the element in the oven developed some type of short. It was sparking and buning, but we saw it fast enough that there was no other damage than the element.

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