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any of you guys believe in UFO's and Aliens?

Guest ON3GO

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i dunno if this was ever brought up on this site, but what do you guys think about Aliens and UFOs?

reason why im asking is i just saw a show on all this on TV and got me thinking.

what you guys think?

i dunno what i think, mixed feelings...



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Yes I do.


To me, honestly you would have to be pretty small minded to think in all that exists and in this huge galaxy, plus others we cant even see that we are the only living breathing things out there in the big star filled pond.

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yeah your very right, thats what i believe kinda...

wish there was more hard facts though where i can see with my own eyes.. but i do believe that something is out there..



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I believe that there probably is but you never know. The people of earth dont know anything about the universe, so how can you say aliens exist or they dont exist. I personally beleive that there is something else out there. Hey if the universe is infinite that means theres an infinite amount of earths and every one on it. This is a weird topic because there is no factual information about what exists out there.

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Some mathematician figured out a formula for the possibility of aliens visiting Earth. I learned about it in an astronomy class about 10 years ago. It was really long and had some pretty funny variables like the amount of time a life form would have to embark on their mission to Earth before their civilization destroyed itself.


The point is that the likelyhood of other life is pretty damn high, but the probability of them coming over for Xmas dinner is pretty damn low.



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Ok you guys arent gonna believe this but whatever...I saw this post before I left to go to the movies tonight and was gonna post saying I don't believe in UFO's, but tonight on the way home, I swear to God, I saw a UFO. I'm not saying it was aliens, I have no idea what the hell it was. I was riding in my friends truck and we see what looks like a meteor burning up but it had a long thick trail. So I thought maybe its a plane crashing or something, and my friend said it was just a plane going through some clouds, but the trail was behind where it was moving and bright gold and there were no clouds in the sky. Next thing I know the trail dissappears and it goes stationary and looks like a orange tinted star. I watched it the whole rest of the way home and as we're pulling into my driveway, the trail all the sudden comes back, white this time and it hauled a$$ away and dissappeared. I have no idea what the hell it was and it freaked me out. I'm checking all the papers first thing in the morning to see if there was anything weird going on. I'm still on an adrenaline high from seeing this thing and I'm still in denial. If anybody has any possible explanations help me out cause I've thought of everything and came up with no suitable explanations :eek2::eek2::eek2: .

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
I'm not saying it was aliens, I have no idea what the hell it was.


Sorry to alarm you, I was just testing my new invention...




J/K, sounds like an awesome sight

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I'm dead sure I've seen a ufo. I was driving with my mum, well this was before I had my learners licence and I was looking @ the sky (during the day) and I saw this gray thing, just hovering there. We turned a corner about 10 degrees, nothing around us, no trees or buildings to block my view. Kept looking in the same spot, and it just vanished, I looked everywhere for it. Couldn't find it.

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I have some friends who had an experience which may help explain why most aliens are seen by drunken hunters in the middle of nowhere.


My friends live in the foothills not far from here. They built the house themselves on the side of a hill overlooking the San Joaquin valley - a really gorgeous site at night, by the way. Well, they were walking home from a party at one of their neighbor's houses, a bit squiffed ( not a lot, but enough that they didn't want to drive even on a gravel access road), when they got to the front door. As Dennis fumbled with the keys, Lorraine turned around waiting and, lo and behold, an alien was standing on the other side of their yard looking at them.




Silently, she grabbed Dennis's arm and he, too turned to look. Sure enough, he saw the alien as well. They tell the story so that they were totally, absolutely sure of what they were looking at. Its head turned with quick, birdlike movements, it's huge, almost glowing eyes looked at them with with an unbreaking stare, its tiny body looked as if it couldn't possibly support the massive head, the whole nine yards. A truly sublime moment.


Dennis, not impressed at all, reached over and hit the porch light switch, which kicked on a series of floods all over their yard: and they saw...




... a dumb-a$$ deer staring at them like a retard.


I really believe that a lot of the "alien sighting" can be attributed to this "mis-perception". Are there aliens out there, somewhere in the cosmos? Sure. Probably plenty of them. Are there cute little aliens experimenting with people's butts and zooming around in the cool flying cars I was promised as a kid? No way.

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Aliens do exist. Well I don't call them aliens anymore, more like space neighbors. I used to work with one back in 1998. He was a hard worker and never complained. Just sucks that the company went under before he gave me a ride in his spaceship. He always claimed that it was in the shop. Maybe he'll read this post and drop by for a visit so we can split a case. Oh well. Here are a couple of pics that I took when he was working on one of the units.







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The Space Race was a lie. In the late 1950's, a meteor shower pummeled the Bering Straits. In the debris, American and Soviet scientists simultaneously discovered an off-world bio-metal that they could fabricate into amazing vehicles and weapons. They quickly gathered up and depleted all of the material that had fallen to Earth, and both sides were left wanting more.


This began the real Space Race... The one too brutal to televise. They launched their space programs in their efforts to find additional bio-metal deposits, and it was the military imperative that made the space race so intense -- not Kennedy's "for the greater good of man." Neil Armstrong's walk on the moon was actually the biggest cover-up in American history. Nobody knew that we'd built a full moon base just a few feet away. In fact, it was General Collins, commander of the American moon base at Eagle's Nest One, who took the original picture of Neil stepping onto the moon. It's amazing that nobody ever asked who took that picture. The NSA thought they'd made a real mistake when they released it.






Everything you've been told about the last 50 years is wrong. When the media looks back on this century, dividing it up, parsing it down to the top 10 or top 100 most important events, they'll be missing the real moments that changed history. For the men that really shaped the future worked behind closed doors, cloaked in secrecy, hidden with ruses about wars that never happened. Thousands of soldiers whose disappearances were written off as accidental or explained, actually died for their country, for their world, in a battle that no monument will ever commemorate. It all started in 1952, when a meteor fell from the sky. This was no ordinary debris from some distant star, this was bio-metal. It's impossible to describe the substance if you've never seen it-- and it can't be classified under any periodic table. It's metal, yes, but it's alive. It thinks, it remembers. It changes shape before your eyes. It has a soul. Both U.S. and Soviet scientists studied bio-metal diligently through the 1950s. Of course, their first thoughts immediately turned to how to use it in battle. And this remarkable substance became a weapon; one that would change the face of war forever. And so the world entered the age of Bio-Metal, though only a handful of people knew. This discovery would advance science and technology at a faster rate than the world has ever experienced before. But first we needed more of it. Lots more.


The tensions already existed -- they called it the Cold War. But this war became Hot, and moved into space without anyone ever knowing. The United States formed a secret organization, the National Space Defense Force (NSDF), under the auspices of NASA. The Soviets responded with the Cosmo-Colonist Army (CCA), and a war was on. The race into space became about much more than simply planting a flag on the moon. It became about finding more of the Bio-Metal, finding that elusive source that was sure to be out there in the solar system. Each new deposit of Bio-metal that was discovered fueled the fire, providing more spacecraft, more weapons for both the NSDF and the CCA to continue the war in space. One by one, planets and their satellites fell to one side or the other, each a pawn in the war.


While the raging battle took its toll on both American and Soviet forces, scientific experiments conducted with Bio-metal continued back on Earth. The most astounding of these were conducted by Commander Armond Braddock, a brilliant MIT scientist whose skills had been co-opted by the NSDF. Braddock took the dramatic step of combining Bio-metal with human flesh, using human scientific subjects in a kind of experiment that's never been attempted before. The confidential files called it "Project Pedigree." Braddock was given unprecedented access to funds and men, operating under the directive to deliver to the NSDF a "Super Soldier" that could tear through troops with an unparalleled fierceness, thereby bringing a swift end to the war. For the final stage of Project Pedigree, Braddock brought in the Black Dogs, an NSDF squadron led by Lieutenant Frank Burns. The Black Dogs were the best of the best already, the finest physical specimens trained to the maximum capacity of their ability. Braddock took these men and literally fused them into Bio-metal ships, creating a half-man, half-machine force. It's amazing the Black Dogs even survived this process, let alone maintained the strength to return to battle and fight. This new Squadron, now called the Furies, exceed every expectation and became the decisive force in the war, ripping the Soviet soldiers to shreds on Europa.


Sole control of a force such as this could bring the world to its knees, a fact that Braddock surely must have thought of as he watched his "progeny" excel. But Braddock could not predict the one unknown in this equation - the existence of a mind, a human will. Burns led the Furies in an uprising, using their super-human abilities to rebel against the man who made these abilities possible-- Braddock. Burns led the Furies in a revolt against Braddock, destroying his lab, and eliminating the Bio-metal plants that made further experimentation possible. To retaliate, Braddock brought the NSDF and the CCA together under the banner of one cause - defeating the now out-of-control Furies and driving them off the planet. The NSDF and CCA helped push this new enemy back, sending the Furies into the farthest reaches of the solar system. They dissappeared and were believed destroyed. Braddock was heralded as a war hero.

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