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Gran Prix Legends


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With this winter being a bit harsh here in Wisconsin, I've been passing the time on the PC. Finally got Grand Prix Legends, which is an older game, but has a ton of add-on software for it. This includes updated car graphics and pretty much every track you can think of in the world.


Anyone else play it??



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I played it religiously for about 2 years. It was made in what, 1998, and is still to my eyes the best racing sim as far as realism goes, ever. The graphics have had some serious updates through the years, and the whole game is open source now, which means there are lots of upgrades.


I must say that this is the creme de la creme of racing sim's! Highly recommended to any car buff but especially someone that wants to know why everyone died in the 60's in F1. :P Seriously, you think a V8 Z is a handful, try a 1200lb car with 400hp, drum brakes on all 4 corners, with tall, narrow, crappy rubber!

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Yes I remember steering moss too, or what is more commonly called steering wheel moss. When leaving your Z sitting outside for longer than a 6 month period of time, the moss starts to cover everything. If you use a solution of vinegar, along with liberal application....



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Seriously, you think a V8 Z is a handful, try a 1200lb car with 400hp, drum brakes on all 4 corners, with tall, narrow, crappy rubber!


Actually I think they were running discs by that time. If Jaguar had discs on their LeMans car in '55, I'd think it would have made its way to F1 over ten years later. But even so, like you said, they're a handfull!


I found a patch to add Jackie Stewart to the game. Thinking of trying that out.

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I have it... Been playing Sports Car GT a LOT lately... I'd like to compile a list of "REALLY GOOD" i.e. VERY REALISTIC driving sims/ games... There aren't enough out there for the PC and I just can't do the whole PS2/ Xbox Controller thing and their wheels SUCK... So I'm stuck, religated to my good controls, pedals and wheel, and PC games... Any links to add ons for GP Legends would be good!



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Guest smoov280zx

Yup, i bought it about 4-5 years ago for $9 at office depot. Best $9 game ever. Got all the textures, sounds and crazy tracks for it, even bought a set of pedal's and a wheel with a sequential shifter just to play GPL. Love it. I wish someone would licence the physics engine, i believe they could unseat gran turismo as king of console racers if they used the GPL physics engine. Maybe have it for a classic car racing game with z's, 275 gtb/4's and any other oldies you could think of. To bad I hate programming :D



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