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New scholarship created for whites only


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haha! that's great!




BRISTOL, Rhode Island (AP) -- A student group at Roger Williams University is offering a new scholarship for which only white students are eligible, a move they say is designed to protest affirmative action.


The application for the $250 award requires an essay on "why you are proud of your white heritage" and a recent picture to "confirm whiteness."


"Evidence of bleaching will disqualify applicants," says the application, issued by the university's College Republicans.


Jason Mattera, 20, who is president of the College Republicans, said the group is parodying minority scholarships.


"We think that if you want to treat someone according to character and how well they achieve academically, then skin color shouldn't really be an option," he said. "Many people think that coming from a white background you're automatically privileged, you're automatically rich and your parents pay full tuition. That's just not the case."


The stunt has angered some at the university, but the administration is staying out of the fray. The school's provost said it is a student group's initiative and is not endorsed by Roger Williams.


Mattera, who is of Puerto Rican descent, is himself a recipient of a $5,000 scholarship open only to a minority group.


"No matter what my ethnicity is, I'm making a statement that scholarships should be given out based on merit and need," Mattera told the Providence Journal.


His group took out a full-page ad in last week's issue of the university's student newspaper to tout the scholarship, which was for $50 until two donors came forward to add $100 each during the weekend, Mattera said.


It's not the first brush with controversy for the group. The school temporarily froze the Republicans' money in the fall during a fight over a series of articles published in its monthly newsletter. One article alleged that a gay-rights group indoctrinates students into homosexual sex.





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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

LOL, that's good stuff. Just today I was thinking of forming a White Employee Association at work because there is one for every other race where I work. I think it has gotten way out of hand. How are our children supposed to grow up and not segregate, when the very races that want to be acknowledged as equal set themselves apart from everyone else? :roll: Come on, it's one or the other, be a nation of one, or segregate yourselves. It's kind of funny when you think about the implications of something like this... how many people would protest the creation of "white history month" or "white entertainment awards" or heck, even the "white entertainment channel". I am not saying that any of these should be in place, in fact, that would only contribute to segregation, but dammit, everyone needs to stop segregating themselves! :fmad:

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Its a tough balance. The people against affirmative action have a point, but so do those that are for it. Many minorities come from low income areas, where the public schools aren't nearly as good, and the money for outside tutoring is hard to come by.


Its a toss up in my opinion. They should forget race all together and go off of income. At least that is what the government does with Financial Aid and such.

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I agree with above, its a good idea that has gotten itself WAY out of hand. The groups have take the ideas a little too far in my opinion and in some cases are bottle feeding these kids into places where they would NEVER make it, id be interested to see just how successful those kids are after they are put through college.


Im jewish, and there are several scholarships just for Jews, and I didnt sign up for any of them for that exact reason, i want to earn a scholarship for my academic merit and my financial need, not for being a certain religion.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
Many minorities come from low income areas, where the public schools aren't nearly as good, and the money for outside tutoring is hard to come by.


That is actually a prejudice statement... You are classifying most minorities as being low income. To make such an assumption is actually prejudice. Unfortunately it also is discriminatory towards whites. Many whites grow up in low income areas where public schools arent good as well. I grew up in some very low income areas with very poor schools, and constantly watched people get a helping hand because they werent white. Help everyone equally, or dont help anyone.


There is only one thing to be said to any of this:


"EQUAL RIGHTS, OR PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT" You cannot have both, pick one or the other.

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Reminds me of this event:

College Republicans’ ‘Affirmative Action’ Bake Sale Greeted with Smiles, Jeers

by Timothy Nuter


Hurling forth slogans such as “make the Keebler Elf work for equality†and “whites and Asians have been privileged for too long,†the Penn College Republicans made their presence felt on Locust Walk last week at their “affirmative action bake sale.â€

Following the lead of CR organizations around the nation, Penn’s CRs sold baked goods priced according to consumers’ race and gender. Attempting to mimic the racial preference structure of college admissions, homemade brownies and cookies were sold to black, Hispanic, and Native American women for 50 cents; to their male counterparts for 75 cents; to white women for $1; and to white men and all Asians and Indians for $1.50.

The event was intended to “loudly express our belief that race-based admissions policies are unconstitutional and un-American,†according to College Republicans Chairman David Copley.

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Many minorities come from low income areas' date=' where the public schools aren't nearly as good, and the money for outside tutoring is hard to come by.[/quote']


That is actually a prejudice statement... You are classifying most minorities as being low income. To make such an assumption is actually prejudice.


Not an assumption. Simply a statement of fact. In our country, statistically speaking, minorities are "economically disadvantaged". A 10 minute google search should prove that for you. If anything YOU are the one letting your own prejudices get in the way of the truth.

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The assumption that minorities NEED help is the issue that Nic talked about, rather than their statistical disadvantage.


The fact that we separate them from the rest of society and say that they aren't capable of making it without help is the problem. It can lead people who are minorities into a "poor me" mindset where they think that they CAN'T make it without help from whitey, which just isn't the case.


I've known several self made millionaires, all of which came from DIRT, none of which got a scholarship based on their skin color or religion. They just never gave up.


EDIT--I put words in Nic's mouth. He WAS talking about the statistical disadvantage.



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Aparently affirmative action only seems to bother some of us when it is not aimed at the upper class. For instance, I think that the extra credit for children of alumni is affirmitive action? Or if that isn't how about a well connected texan's son being moved tothe top of the list over several hundred other applicants (many of whom had previousl training, and better qualifications) for a spot in texas air national guard. Is this unfair?Those who hate affirmitive action do have minority heros. I mean just look at the highest court in the land. Do we not have an esteamed justice who is black? Of course I mean Clarence Thomas... Oops, I just remembered, he got thhough college using affirmive action.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Moridin, just want to point out that I didnt feel that was your actual opinion. I was just making that statement because people other than yourself may not realize that such a seemingly innocent statement is actually an example of prejudice, which is commonly the source of these scholarships and such.


Not an assumption. Simply a statement of fact. In our country, statistically speaking, minorities are "economically disadvantaged".


Before you go doing too much reading of statistics, maybe you should understand that statistics can easily be oriented around the results you desire.


First of all, if you say minorities are "economically disadvantaged" then you are actually saying that everyone in CA is "economically disadvantaged" as even whites make up less than 50% of the population and thus would be a minority.


If you look at what percentage of non-white people are low income vs the percentage of white people that are low income, you may find that non-whites are more likely to have low income. If you look at the plain number of non-whites that are low income vs the number of whites that are low income you would see that the number of whites is extremely higher and thus would indicate that whites are more likely to be low income.


Then you have to look at the definition of "white". There are white Mexicans, white Russians, white Ukrainians, white Irish, white Germans, white Italians... need I continue? Give each true ethnicity their own title and everyone is a minority, and I would be even more of a minority than 100's of other ethnicities.


Statistics are the double-edged sword of the man who needs to win an arguement.


If anything YOU are the one letting your own prejudices get in the way of the truth

How on Earth do you have any reason to say this? I think you need to learn the definition of a word before you use it. Prejudice is to make a judgement on someone before you know about them. No where in anything I have said have I made any judgements or assumptions. Read what I say before you comment on it. :roll:


Like I said before, if we are all going to be equals, let's just be equals! I dont segregate myself and use that as a crutch, no one else should either. Those who need a helping hand should get help, and for no reason other than that they need help. Whether they are black, white, brown, beige, taupe, cream, egg-shell, off-white or whatever doesnt matter. It's sad that a political statement such as this scholarship is likely to be completely ruined because too many people will deem it as a racial statement or even a white-superiority issue when all it is is a statement to try to get people to open their eyes and realize what they are doing.

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Guest bastaad525

You know... all of this "minorities coming from bad areas and not getting the same opportunities, so we need to help them out" crap pisses me off. I'm white, and came from a poor family, and lived in bad areas... where is MY compensation? Where were MY handouts? Friggin BS.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
"minorities coming from bad areas and not getting the same opportunities, so we need to help them out"



All it is is socialism without the logic.. what's so bad about that? :lol::roll:



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