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Autopower rollcage and rollbar questions

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Apologies if this has already been answered, searched as much as possible and found no answer.


I currently have an Autopower bolt-in rollbar which I have not yet installed - http://www.ioportracing.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=60170&Category_Code=AP170


My question is, does anyone know if the "U-Weld Rollcage Kit ( http://www.ioportracing.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=60170C&Category_Code=AP170 ) " when welded to the above mentioned Rollbar results in the equivalent of the full bolt-in rollcage they offer ( http://www.ioportracing.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=83170&Category_Code=AP170 ), or are they completely different pieces and would it benefit me to simply purchase the full rollcage?


Any info appreciated, car is for strict track duty only.

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If this will be a street car, don't put the full cage in - just come off the main hoop down to the front of the rocker box next to the seat. That way you don't have to worry about your noggin'...


Hence the last sentence of my post... "Any info appreciated, car is for strict track duty only."


Just for reference, I found out from Autopower that the two are completely different - the U-Weld kit is *not* legal for SCCA/NASA competition, while the full cage is.

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If you are going to compete with the car, then by all means, I'd recommend the "Cage" as opposed to the weld in kit. However, if you are just doing track day events, then go with what you have and the weld in kit, which is what I'll be doing.



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