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Plasma cutters are really cool

silicone boy

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About a month ago, I used some credit I had built up on Paypal (from selling miscellaneous parts on EBay) to partially purchase a plasma cutter. It's a Miller. I could never justify it before, but since I got the windfall, I figured, why not? It's totally awesome! The neighbors no longer hate me because I'm making too much noise with a cutoff wheel, and it cuts through metal like a knife through butter. Sure, I don't use it as much as, say, my mig welder, but when it's needed, it sure gets the job done better than any other tool. How did I live without it? I think I'm going to make a giant Z emblem out of sheet metal with it.

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I've only used mine a few times thus far, but one "project" saved me $150. Remodelling my kitchen (which is why I have no time for the Z), we picked out a particular stainless steel sink. It comes in over mount and undermount, the latter being $150 more!. Same sink, just that the undermount had the lip part cut off. So, I bought the overmount and just zipped that lip right off. Took about 4 minutes. Rockin.


You know what's fun is cutting circles. Take a roll of tape or something, lay it down on the sheet metal victim, grab torch, Zip. Instant circle. No justification, just fun is all. When I started hunting around for more victim metal I came to my senses and put it away. Too much work to do anyway....

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My bro did the same thing when he got his plasma cutter, and then again after he found a Henrob torch for $100 (Regularly $399ish) I even like playing with that thing though =) You can weld AND cut with it. He has a few Dr. Pepper cans he welded together with it while he was practicing =)

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