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Only in America


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The mentality of some people just ...scares me. Sure it was the beer's fault he drank it and not her jerkoff kid driving 90mph into a pole while drunk. Hmmm Wait, if the beer suit fails, she can sue the city for putting that pole there =)


Its almost as bad as people wanting to ban violent movies,video games, and handguns because some nutjob kids wanted to open fire on their classmates.


I've been watching violent movies since I was old enough to sit in front of the TV, playing violent video games since I was old enough to hold a controller, and I listen to some of the most violent, aggressive music there is(Would make Marilyn Manson sound like the Teletubbies). Yet, I'm very friendly and someone trying to start something with me has a better chance of getting laughed at than swung at. Its all in the parenting. My parents made sure I knew a long time ago that some things were right, and some things were wrong =) A concept that seems to be losing ground every year. :(

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Hmmmm, 19 and no liscense ?????? gee, maybe he got in trouble before. Wonder who mommy blamed that time. Could it be good old Darwin at work ????? Maybe the agency that owned the light pole should sue her for giving birth to the person who hit it.


Maybe we can put a class action suit against her for causing an increase in the cost of Coors due to legal costs. Coors drinkers would make a pretty big class.


- Joe

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I for one will make my small contibution to end this "weeniefication of America" one step at a time, beginning with my daughter. Last night she was "the victim" when the beast of discipline came knocking on her door for something she brought on herself. Of course, it was my fault for not allowing her to do what she wanted, but by the end of the night another skirmish was once again won for the cause of parents who believe their children should be accountable for their own actions. This is our job, is it not :wink:

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Yeah and if he had run over and killed some innocent person then she would scream diminished responsibility so he didn't go down for murder.

If you make the decision to drink then you should also accept responsibility for all that you do there after even when drunk.


Yes her son sadly made a mistake for which he paid the ultimate price and no litigation will change that or bring him back.

Obviously she has some personal guilt for which she needs someone else to blame, pity it makes the girlfriends loss even worse.


Unfortunately people dont like to take responsibility for there actions anymore and thats not just in America. Neil

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Darwin Rules!


Now he needs to get to work on Mom. Maybe she'll hit a pole on the way to her ambulance chasing lawyer's office.


Let's see, if she clipped a pole and spun into the lawyer's office with a full tank of gas, it'd be a twofer........



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What i would to know is why was he drinking COORS (EWW) to begin with?


I think it goes without saying that its not only the death of her son that we're dealing with, but that the youth of america has no appreciation for finer beers.


Should he have been drinking a heavy draught beer, he would have passed out long before he wouldve got the urge to visit his girlfriend.


Just my two cents, and my taste in beer.

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Guest Thurem
Darwin Rules!


Now he needs to get to work on Mom. Maybe she'll hit a pole on the way to her ambulance chasing lawyer's office.


Let's see, if she clipped a pole and spun into the lawyer's office with a full tank of gas, it'd be a twofer........


I agree, but then the lawyers wife would sue the gascompany for allowing her to fill up on the way to an accident, and she would sue the tirecompany for allowing the car to go into a spin, and she would sue the pole company for .... well poling.

This wouldn't really get us anywhere would it?


By the way, I now live in Mexico and rent atv's out for a living. They can't sue me if they die riding my quad, because the contract, that they sign, states that they are personally responsible for anything that happens....


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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Hey, she is all wrong... she should be suing the county because they put the pole there. There should be a warning on that pole that clearly states that if you hit it at 90 MPH that you may die. Geez :roll:


I think itś about time that someone makes an example out of parents like this and makes a suit against them for criminal negligence. Of course, it would have to be a case where the child is still under 18.

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