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What good is a search when some people can't understand what they are reading enough to make use of the info?


There are some that do the search and then ask questions that a modicum of common sense or mechanical knowledge would prevent - they have no clue!


I myself have occasionally had lapses - especially late at night after a long day, but when they can't add 2+2 and get 4 it is irritating.


I love searching - I have uncovered ungodly amounts of info with this simple feature and this site.


Of course I am 50, and have hot-rodded for 33 of those years, can pick up a manual/instructions and after reading KNOW what needs to be done, and can ususally figure out how things work on my own.


I remember responding to a post one time - I can't remember what board - about how to take a carbeurator off. I responded - If you can't look at it and see what has to be done - maybe you shouldn't be doing it yourself.


Maybe I'm too harsh -

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