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Well, the body job has begun...


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I just added a few pics in my album of the progress so far. I've been at it for about 2 weeks so far (2-3 hours after work on weeknights, 4-6 hours on saturdays) and I am now able to breath bondo/fiberglass dust as if it were normal air. :P Keep inmind I have very little expiriance with this stuff, and have no air tools, dirt for a floor, and a portable garage that leaks. Did I mention Im on a bit of a budget? :lol: Anyway, what do you guys think?


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Lookin good!


It's learning all the new skills that makes the job fun and interesting.


Hey, where did you get that whale tail? I've always liked that style. Some of you guys might think it's a little to ricey but those things way pre-date the whole ricer scene.



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Datsunlover - looks great! Keep up the great work, hope to see more progress pics.


As a by the way, I worked in the Barrie up to Penetang area for several years and loved Simcoe County in the Spring --> Fall. Winter, well thats another story.


I met my wife in Barrie too!


We have since moved to Colorado but have fond memories. Great to see someone in the Midland area on here.


Regards - Yasin

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Wow. small world man! Yah, I love it up here.. cept for winter.. I don't own a sled, and drive a 2 wheel drive pick up so..yah.. Thanks for the coments.. I have to say though, the pis look better IMO.. up close, ther's plenty of work left. (scratches, pinholes, ect) Evrything is in the details.. Anyway, I just took a few more pics today of my progress, and hopefully I'll get more tomorrow and then update my album. I'm thinking I'm at the halfway point now, and the hardest parts (rear roll pan + quarters) are DONE! heh heh. I'll post here when I get some more up.

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Heh heh.. yah.. well... I was thinking about that... A friend of mine saw the mess and says "Hmm.. I don't think grass is gona grow here ever again..." I told him Im gona clean it all up after the car's done, scrape the ground flat and paint it green. :lol: I think thats all I can do!

And you cant really see in the pics, but that tail is HUGE! Man.. Im gona put all the Honda/rice kids to shame up here. Hee hee.. I got a few more pics I'm gona try to put up tomorrow night if you wana check out the progress.


Oh yah, Glen; I was thinking we should get together sometime this summer for coffee or something. Hopefully I can drive my Z this time and you can see in person that 'yes, I do have one of these!' :lol: Or if you want to, you could come up to Midland for a day or somethin... I dono, just a though. Talk later. :)

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scrape the ground flat and paint it green.


One day we decided to cover up all the dead grass from were the dog had peed on it over the winter so we sprayed it with some “grass paintâ€. The stupid dog rolled in it and I had a green Golden Retriever! :D:D


Coffee sounds good Matt! I am hoping to get the V12Z back on the road for the OZC show in early August.

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Pho; Thanks man, Im sure yours will turn out better. Im a little pissed at my car right now.. I'm gona go write a rant I think...


Dot; Cool man, maybe I'll get mine going by then.. or maybe I'll have thrown a match and a can of gas at it who knows! :lol:

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Guest plainswolf

Datsunlover, Well it's nice to know that someone else works in a..."less than desireable" garage setting... :D And speaking of Ontario, I dated a lady up there for about 4 years or so and she lived, about an hour or so?-southeast of Sarnia. A little town called Alvinston...


I don't know if thats very close to you guys but the simcoe county part sounds very familiar. I must have made about 12 trips up there and back to western Nebraska from 98-01... God it was beautiful up there!! I felt RIGHT at home.. Im hoping to get back up there next summer or very early fall if my car is at least at a certain stage by then.


In anycase it looks like you're really progressing nice!! :-D

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Thanks man. Yah, Sarnia is about 2 hours south of me. A friend of mine from high school lives in Sarnia now.. dang.. I should give him a shout sometime. man... isn't it fun workign is 'God's garage' ? :lol: I gota buy a house..I mean, a Garage with a house attached to it :lol: .. but it's not in the cards this year.. *sigh*... Ah well. I'll keep pluging away and hopefully I'l get somewhere.. I just hope I like where I am when I get there!

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Heh... Actually, Im 25 and trying to get throught my tool maker/machinest aprenticeship right now! But yah.. I don't do much else at the moment besides work on this stinkin thing! oh BTW, I will try to ge some more pics soon. The car is bacisally DONE!!! :-D some minor finish sanding/spot filling to do, but it's 90% primed and ready to spray with paint! Im trying to find a spray booth for this weekend (the one I had lined up fell through as the owner is going camping.. crappy) but I dono if it'll happen. If not, It'll definatly be the week/end after next and I can finally put evrything back ON the car and drive it! (well, have to get a safety check and insurance too.. hmmm..) I'll post sometime this week anyway. Thanks for the coments guys! :)

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