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Cool keypad/pushbutton ignition

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If you want to keep the locking mechanism, you would have to make it manual or electro-magnetic, which would be really cool. If not, it is easily removed. Have you seen the ignition taken apart? If not, I can snap a picture and let you see how to remove the locking portion.

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I have already disengaged the locking mech..dont ask me how but its been about six months ..so far its yet to lock up in a curve....lol..the whole thing jammed one day so I gave it a pretty good yank ( the wheel) and it popped something that dropped to the floor ( had the trim off doing some reworking of it) so whatever locked the wheel broke , fell off or what ever as it will no longer lock, there has to be a way to now wire it to a switch (toggle) and then be able to start it without the key or even having the ignition mechanism attached to the steering column..

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know how the Z steering column lock operates exactly (I have an eariler Z that doesn't have this feature) but usually the steering column lock is linked to the lock cylinder. if you remove the lock cylinder from the column it should disable it. if not the steering column lock disk is underneath the sterring wheel and held in place with a big spring and a nut. its the part you have to compress to remove it. then just space out the wheel so that it sits properly on the spline. your on your own to figure out the wiring though. you should be able to rig it with a few switches and a push button. a clymers manual should help you out with this.

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