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totaled my car today.....


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That sucks man, you should go out and look for a good rust free and straight unibody... Spend some time and find one that is really nice.


Your car was so clean that anything less wont be acceptable to you i imagine. When i wrecked my 280Z and tweaked a nice straight and rust free unibody, i should have shot myself. but aside from that, i ended up with a rusty unibody and a car that is going to be 10 times the work to finish. If i had looked around more, and found a better unibody, i would be much further along.


After you rebuild it from the ground up, i bet that your right foot will be much lighter for a long time. It is a pretty big project for one person to complete. I know that i drive my car with much much more care... when it is driveable...


Good luck ,


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Buy it back from the insurance co. , step back, reevaluate, if need be, find another chassis. Big thing is that no one got hurt. Believe me, you'll find another Z. You're not the only 17 year old to wreck a Zcar :oops: I got my wakeup call street racing a Mustang 5.0 in '87. A bumper tap put me into a hydro pole at 70+ mph. Very very hard for a teen to explain why the front and rear end of his car are separated by 200 ft in a 30 mph zone. :cry:

You may find that when you start drilling out the spotwelds to replace panels, the chassis isn't as bad as you think. My car had no front end to speak of, but was back on the road in the same summer.


It's a setback, but not the end. All part of your higher education in the school of hard knocks/tough luck.


Good luck - Doug

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Ok, this is my fellow HybridZ side:


Man that sux, glad you came out ok. Like everybody else said, the damage doesn't look all THAT bad though. Should be able to fix it, with a little time.


Now for my "other" side :


Not to sound like an a$$, but how fast were you going? Must have been up there pretty good if you can't even mention it in the forum. On, a wet road at that! (assuming the roads were wet, and not just right at the entrance to the tunnel) It kills me how kids, completely overestimate their driving abilities and cars, putting the safety of everybody around them in jeopardy because of a complete lack of mature judgement. Luckily, the only casualty was the car.....THIS TIME. Hopefully the car will be down long enough for you to have time to re-think about how long you want to live and what you think other peoples lives are worth.


Ok, I'm done ranting. Good luck on the rebuild!

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Regaurdless of age and all that shit people get caught up in the fun. On our way to a car show me and my friend were cuttin up 35MPH backroads at about 70-80 in a BMW M3 with a silver 350Z in hot pursuit. Turns out, the guy driving the Z was a cop. Go figure :roll:


Blame it on the 350Z in front of him. He spun and he caused the chain reaction. Shit happens. I'm sure hes not happy about it so lets not drill it in.


Live and learn. Gotta make mistakes to recognize them, otherwise you're not living.

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Must of been real slick or a good turn for the 350Z to spin out, those 265 in the rear aren't that easy to separate from the road. Sorry about yer Z though you'll find a solution. I wrecked my 280zx when I was seventeen. I was going 50-55 on a 45 road, just barely started raining, so old guys pulls out in front just barely on the road I lock up the brakes slide 70ft hit his rear at like 5mph crunch my hood and destroy my headlight scoop. Live and learn. At least I got everything fixed. Plus about a year later, 18yrs old (I'm almost 19) I drifted my through an intersection (running a stop sign purposely(no cars in the vicinity)) slide goes well, Then it went to wide, nailed a curb at like 40mph. Bent the right rear control and my rim. Simple fix but lets say I haven't done that since then (drift that intersection that is)


How much did the guy with the black 350Z pay to do twin turbos?, and how much power is he running?

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Wow, Austin glad you are OK. Your car is really sweet. Seeing it last year in Charlotte was some inspiration for me to get working on a turbo swap of my own. As others have said, make sure you get to keep all the goodies on your car, I know you'll be able to build another one. Good Luck!

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Thanks for all the replys guys, makes me feel a little better....


The insurance adjuster is going to be coming to take a look at the car soemtime this week, hopefully i will get luckly and get something more then almost nothing for my car. Anyway Im waiting rather impatiently for the insurance guy to come so i can start tearing into her and finding just how bad the damage is.


More then likly i will be looking for another shell... if anybody knows of a really nice on please please lemme know


It will be a little while before i release the video....but if somebody can host it here in a week or two just lemme know...


As for the road conditions the roads were bone dry the tunnel was wet,add to that after the 350z spun, the whole thing was covered with gravel, as you will see on the video it was like ice...


The group of drivers were not all young obvios buy the cars..


Poundz0oh9-- i know you werent trying to be an ass..... but One thing that really ticks me off is when people bring age into the picture. Driving is an expirience thing and there are just as many older peple that cant drive as younger people. You have to learn how to drive your car, doesnt matter how long you have been driving if you have never had any expirience in handling your vehicle at its limits (race school, autocross, anything). Age means hardly anything in the world of driving.


The speed was fine for the dry road the tunnel was somthing we didnt expect. maybe we should have since its the parkway, so even if we were driving to fast for conditions: never, never blame it on age, or you will show how ignorant you are.



Anyway im done ranting too


ill keep everyone updated on how things go




ps there is more information about hte wreck on my350z.com under the forced induction section. if your curious about he tt's thats where they post, he put up some good pictures of the rest of the wreck.

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Speaking from personal experience, it isn't the lack of car control skills that causes the big problem in younger drivers/hot cars senarios. Judgement and self-control develops with age and experience. The realization that public roads are uncontrolled enviroments and that road hazards / pedestrians / semitrucks / dumba**es that can't drive exist out there will eventually happen. You're a smart guy, evidenced by the mods to your car, so you probably already know this - age will teach you to listen to that little voice when the red haze sets in and back off the throttle a bit, give yourself some space and resist the peer pressure to perform over your or your car's limits. The pack mentality causes lots of problems on sportbikes - this I learned the hard way also - trying to push my GS1150EF to keep up with the then-new GSX-R's. The GS had big power, but was also a big pig that didn't have the moves of a Gixxer. Especially with me on-board.


Hopefully, you will also decide that 9/10s really isn't the best pace on the street and will stick around with us awhile. But - then again - some people never learn that one, no matter how old they are....


(Trips, falls off soapbox)


Hope you do OK by the insurance adjuster.



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OK, scratch the age thing. Yes, older and younger alike all have their driving superstars. I think that issues been debated to death anyway. Besides, it seems that people that pi$$ me off the most when driving generally are the older crowd.


However, from a law enforcement standpoint (8 yrs exp.) If something happened in front of you and it caused you to wreck, you were following too close :wink:

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