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Rust Problems.......Help

Guest BIGSHOT357

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Guest BIGSHOT357

I have chosen the 240 route. I seem to have a pretty decent shell to start with with minimal rust. Under the battery tray and the framrails are in great shape, trunk too...my only problem is the floor plans and one place eat through behind the rocker panel...This rust doesnt seem that bad to me, but it worth looking for another car?...or simply putting floor pans in, and replace the metal behind the rocker? Do they make that skin replacement?...Other than that the car is super straight. Is this average or better than average that im gonna find a 240z shape in? I think I need that blueovalZ fella down here a few weeks...LOL..Thanks for your help.......Bigshot :wink:

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From what I have read here for a while, most 240's are gonna have some rust. Now if you choose to find another one that you think is rust free you might end up being suprised it too has rust or at the price. I have seen many a member here replace floor pans fairly easily. Even for there first time welding. It might just be easier to keep what you have and have fun welding etc. Just my .02$

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Guest 305240

Rust is like canser. It won't stop by itself, even if it's covered up. You got to cut it out and treat the affected area. As stated above, the areas are pretty much easy repair. Look a little further, especially the frame rails. But then, You said something about doing the back half. Just a thought here, How about continuing a little further with the frame and go forward the firewall? Check the archives, somewhere there is pics and tech articles on making the rear frame. Gotta love dem 240's!

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Guest 305240

Ah Ha! A man after my own heart! Just jump in and do it! Don't be surprised if you are in the middle of someting and want to change stuff...lol...It's just part of building your car. I've changed some of my plans quite a few times. I'd see something and think, "I can do that" and then go off on a tangent. My wife keeps shaking her head. Oh well, at least it will be the way I want it when it's done. Go for it man!

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Those are two easy repair areas.....but keep looking...I bet there is more!!


Tim is right. I thought I only had a couple of spots until I stripped all the paint. Even spots that I thought were mint had some rust hidden. 305240 is right though...jump in and don't look back, as long as the two places you mentioned are solid the rest can be fixed. Good luck and keep us posted.


How about some pics of the rust you did find?

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Guest BIGSHOT357

I appreciate the sheetmetal link, Im gonna need that...and your right, Im finding more rust, but still not around very critical frame or stress points thank god...thanks again for all your help...This is a very helpful site...Bigshot

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damn floorpans! there was i website that i went to that had replacement floorpan sheetmetal... i'll try and find a link for it


*edit... it's http://www.showcars-bodyparts.com


check out www.showcars-bodyparts.com/240zfloors3b.html[/img]


There have been a bunch of posts about showcars taking forever to deliver parts. Do a search here, and check them out on ebay (horrid feedback) before you buy from them. Just trying to help!! :D

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