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Changing to larger calipers..what size and brand..

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I am getting ready to change the brake system on a 77 and would like to know what some have used as far as brands for calipers as well as pads along with the size of the calipers..I would like to change to a large breaking system but not get to carried away..does anyone know if what is now on the 350's will work...


Thanks in advance for the info


Carolina Z

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This subject is probably the broadest, and most discussed part of the Z of any on this site. Replacement calipers and rotors run the gammit from updating, using OEM parts (300ZX four lug), to full aftermarket set-up (Wilwood and Outlaw), to wierd stuff like Supra MK3 rotors and calipers, and everything in between. The best thing to do is "search" the archives to see what you might like or dislike, be able to afford or not afford. There is a ton of text on this subject. Keep in mind of what you want to do with the car, and the size of wheels you'll use. Lastly, I'm a firm believer in GOOD brakes, and I don't think you can "get carried away" with this part of the car. As far as your specific mention of the 350z brakes, I don't recall anybody attempting this particular swap (YET).

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Ah I think that the ones that are approx 2200.00 are a little more than I am looking for....but I do appreciate the information. The big deal or what I think might be a big deal is finding a 4 lug setup as the rims that I have on my car I want to keep using. I just want something that not only looks good but is very effective as I to dont like fooling around with the breaking system on any of my cars..they are far too important to not take seriously. The idea about the 350 brakes was really that I liked the way they look, but I also want to change not only the brakes but the struts as well as springs. I know most of that is hidden but again its a safety issue as well ..would just feel better changing the entire setup...


Thanks guys for the info that you have given me so far.


Carolina Z

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