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You Guys Will Get The Chills From This Video..Worth Viewing!


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That video reminds me of something that happened a couple of weeks ago. I was heading home from the Jersey shore, minding my own business, cruising in the fast lane with traffic when I saw this white miata with no front bumper weaving HARD through traffic. I waited for him to pass me, and because it was a long trip and I was bored, I tucked in behind him. Once he took notice of me, he slowed up and lined up with me, pointed to his radar detecter, did a circle motion with his finger, dropped a gear and sped off, I followed him, and then he pulled over and slowed a bit, and i figured it was time for me to lead. We did this passing game for a while, and then he took the lead and started weaving CRAZILY. I mean cutting across 4 lanes in tight traffic and passing on the white line between cars, I was amazed. I just kept up by sticking to the left and near left lane, but he was using the whole highway. His car wasn't even very fast, but he whipped that thing around like nobodies business. Also, he had mis-matching front and rear wheels, and a helmet in the passenger seat, so he was either an autocrosser or a drifter. That was quite a sight.

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