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Deal Gone Sour - Not All 'Hybriders' Have Code of Ethics


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So the buyer 11 months later is pissed because they 'are shot'. To me that is something you only have a right to claim immediately on receiving the item, not 11 months later. As a business owner I would not honour a return of that nature.


The scratches on the paint are completely inconsequential, and a reality of installing strut cartridges in ANY housing. Regardless of their being oil or not.


One other note, have you tested the struts in different damping positions? If the selector is inbetween positions you'll get some funky results.

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No apologies given, no apologies earned. Ivan was correct on a couple of issues that he brought up...none of which change the fact that I got 280ZXT struts when I was buying 240Z struts.

He did, in fact, send me pics. Maybe my monitor is of poor resolution because I looked at them again, and scratched up, rusted bodies is not visible. They were packed with rags; but, that is neither here nor there.


I did spend some time reading and re-reading our communiques, and did not find mention of his installation problems, and bottoming-out issues. Being the finicky person that I am, I would not have bought them. Bear in mind, some of you who only read bits, and pieces of this thread, I have already admitted that I shouldn't have been such a cheapass, and bought new for $400 (or so) from some of the 'vendors' on this site.


I still do not believe that the time issue is relevant in this problem, as I wasn't dealing with Best Buy, I was dealing with a (fellow) enthusiast. If I intentionally (or unintentionally) sold an item that wasn't as 'advertised' and the buyer went to install it five years later, I would make good on it for the sake of my own Karma or peace-of-mind. Guess that's just me.


As expected from the onset, I'll end up eating the $140 and take several lessons learned from the experience, many of which aren't as favorable as I would have hoped from of 'our' great little community. Anytime that you have a 'melting pot' of individuals, there will always be 'cream' and sometimes 'crud'.


I have tremendous respect for the true experts who have chimmed in at the late stages of the thread, and value anything that they have to say. My key point remains unchanged, however, and that is I bought 240Z struts, not 240Z & 280ZXT struts. If I say that the shell is on a rotisserie, and that the struts have never moved from their place in the closet, only those that know me can be assured that it is fact.


I would never be comfortable selling an item to someone that wasn't as advertised. Ivan doesn't share that sense of honor. So, we are different.

Some of you, read my responses carefully, as I had said that nothing would have pleased me more than to print a retraction extolling Ivan's virtues after he did what I, and others, feel is the right thing. The entire purpose of this post, as discussed with an Admin. prior to its inception, was to 'motivate' Ivan to do the right thing, not to character assassinate.


This thread has become more exhausting than it is worth. I have resigned myself to the fact that it was just another bad purchase decision that I have made, and gained a little better insight into the community, good and bad.


Thanks again to those experts for their .02...

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No apologies given, no apologies earned. Ivan was correct on a couple of issues that he brought up...none of which change the fact that I got 280ZXT struts when I was buying 240Z struts.


I think Johnc has established for you that these are the same thing, same damping, different sticker.... I can't see why it matters!

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No apologies given' date=' no apologies earned. Ivan was correct on a couple of issues that he brought up...none of which change the fact that I got 280ZXT struts when I was buying 240Z struts.[/quote']


I think Johnc has established for you that these are the same thing, same damping, different sticker.... I can't see why it matters!


Yeah what John, and Drax said, It's the same thing, different sticker. What's the big deal? It will work in your 240Z and do the same thing!

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