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Bush WINS!!!!


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I think the most disappointing part of the election was that it wasnt even close


Actually, it was. Compared to most elections in the past, it was razor-thin. From http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0781450.html :

(arithmetic mine, and please excuse the sloppy columns)

Year___Candidates______Electoral College Votes__Margin Popular Votes

1960 Kennedy/Nixon/Byrd______303/219/15_______118,574

1964 Johnson/Goldwater_______486/52________15,951,296

1968 Nixon/Humphrey/Wallace__301/191/46_______510,314

1972 Nixon/McGovern/Schmitz___520/17/0______17,999,528

1976 Carter/Ford/McCarthy______297/240/1______1,682,790

1980 Reagan/Carter___________489/49_________7,417,813

1984 Reagan/Mondale_________525/13________16,877,890

1988 Bush/Dukakis/Bentsen____426/111/1_______7,077,023

1992 Clinton/Bush____________370/168________5,805,344

1996 Clinton/Dole/Perot_______379/159/0_______8,203,602

2000 Bush/Gore/Nader_________271/266/0_______-543,895

2004 Bush/Kerry/Nader________274/252/0_______3,543,662


So it wasn't as close as Kennedy/Nixon, Nixon/Humphrey or Carter/Ford, but it was pretty close. By the measure of the Electoral College, it was *really* close. A mandate? Yes. A landslide? Not even. A "landslide" is 500+ E.C. votes, not 22.


Personally, I think the (soon to be, and not too soon) death of Yasser Arafat will have a lot more to do with our Middle-East policy than who just got elected.

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Guest bastaad525

What would the death of Arafat change?



Really, everything that's going to happen over there rests on two peoples shoulders, Bush and Sharon.

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If it all rested on the shoulders of Bush & Sharon, there wouldn't be too much of a problem, would there? Arafat started his career as a terrorist of the most egregious type, took control of the Palestinian situation by hook, crook, and 9mm, and has kept a sore spot festering for the better part of forty years. With him gone, there's a chance - just a chance, but better than the nothing we've been living with - that cooler and more reasonable heads can prevail.

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