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Guest unknownroadster

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Guest unknownroadster

Hey alls I just joined the site in my journey to locate a good source of information for a such datsun model I have recently accuired... I just got a Datsun Roadster ( I know its not a Z...BUT its a DATSUN!!!) Havent done the research yet on which model # it is and such more information.

Well hopefully you guys will be helpful and either send me in the right direction or keep me here!!! :lol: I live in the San Diego area, I work at a shop in El Cajon, and this will be my 3rd datsun...Im performance litterate considering my shop has a 1300hp supra and a bunch of other goodies (http://www.speedforceracing.com) I can fabricate lika MoFo. dont test me!! I dont wanna be cocky but probably the 2nd best welder in SD!! :D But anyways Im might not be off to such a good start saying what Im saying so I'll appologize now in advanced ( SORRY GUYS) Sooo here I am. let the smashing begin....lol

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Welcome, there is/was at least one other member building a roadster (in Huntsville, AL I think). I think he was doing a VG30 swap (don't remember if it was going to be turbo, but I think so). I have also heard of a Ford 2.3 turbo swap. The SR would be a good swap, as would a rotary.

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Guest unknownroadster

4 speed on an sr? for nostalgia I guess. Your also gonna have to fabricate up one of those adaptor plate thingies to go between the 4 speed and the engine....



My shop just got a CNC so making a adaptor plate shouldnt be a problem.... :D

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Congrads on the roadster. I am newish to this site also and there is lot of information to be found by doing a search. SR in a roadster cool. I have always like the roadster but they are very rare in this part of the world. I think there is only 2 or 3 here in New Zealand. You could go 5 Sp as the last RHD roadster had 5sp(SR311) = nostalgia still in check. Not sure about the SRL311

see http://www.datsun.org/roadster/info/SR_faq.html

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Vince (Vintage Tech-Z) has a VG30ET thats modded up in his Roadster, that has flares and blah blah blah.. you know. all the stuff that makes me jealous :)


i hate ya Vince :-D




Ive been REALLY looking at getting a roadster lately, either that or a old mini.




P.S. Your shop was the shop that did most of the work on Keiths supra?

what a beautiful car that is in person!!!!

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