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16 mpg???


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I recently pulled the head because I blew a gasket, had it resurfaced and put back on. Now I'm getting 16mpg!! I figured out where some random wire goes that comes off the 82 dizzy, and I changed the spark plugs. This improved performance greatly, but the mileage is still very low. Where should I go from here? I'm going to tune the AFM with a wideband O2 in a few days. The TPS is a 240sx's and I put a multimeter on it... works fine aparently. Are there any tricks (like unplug the O2 sensor) that I should try? Any help is appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Won'tletmyzDie

well it is hard to say what you need to do to get that gas mileage up. 16 mpg is good on a datsun for in town. Your gas mileage went up because you put on the high compression head, it gave you more horsepower. When you gain more horsepower without putting in more fuel than normal you gain gas mileage because it is easier for the car to get where it is going. Mine has about 10.25 : 1 compression and some other various mods and it gets around 22 mpg in town.... when it is running :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

hm 16 is a bit low

I have L28 with E88 (domed pistons) with CR of 8.5 and with proper tuning it is possible to get 26 mpg at 80mph on average. in town 19-22mpg so 16 is not the best nor it is the worst.

the slightly higher CR does not really effect the gas milage that much unless you went from 8.5 to 10.5 (then you are more efficient) and thus saving gas.

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i wish i was getting 16mpg.. im getting like 4-8mpg.

i dunno why either. car is running SO rich.




Mike - does yours have anything to with the fact that you are using the N/A ECU with a Turbo Engine? Just a thought. 4-8mpg that is shocking.



Mike (or should that be kiwi-mike)

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might.. my afm i bet is all out of wack too..

im shooting fresh fuel out of my muffler.

if im sitting in traffic and a car is behind me there front bumper will be covered in black/fuel.


thanks why im going standalone.



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might.. my afm i bet is all out of wack too..

im shooting fresh fuel out of my muffler.

if im sitting in traffic and a car is behind me there front bumper will be covered in black/fuel.


thanks why im going standalone.




Well thats never a nice sign. I'm sorry I have no idea how much a gallon is, can someone tell me what it is in litres?

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Make sure the distributor is advancing correctly. And make sure the vacuum advance is connected and working! My Z gets terrible mileage without the vacuum advance connected.


Did you change oil weights? Thick oil can reduce mileage by a 1 or 2 mpg's.

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Download that program. It's awsome. For 8 bucks it's worth it to have around. If you can find the older verison it's totally free.


16 gallons is 60.5 liters.


Basic run down of what this program can convert...


Accleration, angle, area, computer, concentration, custom, density, distance, energy, flow, force, light, mass, power, pressure, speed, temperature, time, tourque, volume, volume-dry.


And in every section it's very comprehensive, they have means of measurement i've never heard of. Well, anyways, try it out. (i'm in no way connected to the makers of this program... i've just been using it for free for 5 years... gotta love freeware.)

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