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Another Sunday on the LS1 and a question.

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Ok, I got my steering bushings changed out today. That job is so easy with the engine removed. I can see how it would be real hard with the engine in there. I also removed the mount for the MAF, sanded it cleaned it, etched it with “metal ready†and painted it with POR.


Now I’m ready to remove the transmission mount ears. I’m thinking about sawing the middle out then bending the sides over a bit and cutting them off. Can someone else that has removed these mounts chime in here and give me a little advice please.

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Now I’m ready to remove the transmission mount ears. I’m thinking about sawing the middle out then bending the sides over a bit and cutting them off. Can someone else that has removed these mounts chime in here and give me a little advice please.


Took mine out with the Sawzall. Quick and easy. Lay on your stomach and wear your goggles.

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The sawzall went right through it. I ended up sitting in the lotus position and sawing them like that. I have a hard time looking up because of neck problems years ago. Anyway the mounts are out. I'll grind next and paint them then it's onto installing the engine mounts.

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Hey guys - Haven't sen any progress photos or performance reports lately. How are the conversions coming? If it makes you feel better I've got 13,000 miles on my conversion now and the worst thing that's happened was some radiator fan relays that failed last summer. No problems since then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Phantom, don't mean to pirate this thread but,

those fan relays you mentioned failed, what type were they?

Were you able to identify the exact cause?

I'm assuming you had 2 as you used the plural in your post. Fan-1 and fan-2.

During the repair did you replace exact or did you modify?

(upgrade amp/curant ratings)?

Stock or aftermarket?

brand names?

Sory for the barage of questions but I'm fixin' to wire up the fan circuts real soon.



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