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women problems.. yes NON Z related lol

Guest ON3GO

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Guest 77vegasz

Life is too short for baggage. I had a wife with issues, she is now my ex, and I have been remarried to a wonderful woman for 10 years now. Believe me your life with this one will be one crisis to the next.


The moral is, there are plenty of fish in the sea, you are young, cut the baggage loose and move on. Things will work out for the best in the long run. Trust me.



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Life is too short for baggage. I had a wife with issues' date=' she is now my ex, and I have been remarried to a wonderful woman for 10 years now. Believe me your life with this one will be one crisis to the next.


The moral is, there are plenty of fish in the sea, you are young, cut the baggage loose and move on. Things will work out for the best in the long run. Trust me.






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its hard to, i know what you mean but its hard to just turn away.

its not like i can just turn my feelings off.


plus i cant do one night stands and etc, tried before and cant.

just not my cup of tea. maybe im too nice.



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You have to think positive homie. Theres nothing you cant do if you just TRY. I dont care what anyone says, Ive proven it to myself. Ive turned from broke ugly duck to a full time city slicker handsome playboy by becoming a positive thinker and using every skill ive ever learned and seen into ACTION, seeing the sucess of doing so has given me the confidence to do things ive never thought possible, I put in 60 hours a week working using all these skills in tandem and its given me the confidence that women can smell. Ive lost 15lbs just from getting off my once lazy butt and getting down and hustling for whats mine. My hustle doesnt break the law anymore and my relationship with my family is better than ever. I started my own company and I still do sidejob high performance mechanical work until my back makes noises. Im going out with a beautiful woman tonite, and another one tommorow, People think Im a gangster and want to discredit every thing I say?


I AM A GANGSTER......my definition of gangster is a person who takes his life into his own hands and makes things happen for the one person who can make his life the way he wants---himself...the side effects are increased self esteem and a higher sense of self worth, and the MONEY is GOOD TOO...


Mike, your one of my favorites on this site and Im just trying to light a fire under your ass to go out and achieve homie...

I wish I had someone to do this for me, I had to fire up my own stuff, but



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its hard to' date=' i know what you mean but its hard to just turn away.

its not like i can just turn my feelings off.


plus i cant do one night stands and etc, tried before and cant.

just not my cup of tea. maybe im too nice.




Man up dude.....

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well thanks Len, means alot!

its not that im not happy, i am. its just this girl problem.

everything else is great! good family life, great friends, made a name for myself in the car scene in Houston, and will be making good money very soon.


also if everything goes well me, and ed who is on this site will be getting a shop up and running here in florida, which i then hope to get Alex Costa in on! will be from auto-body and paint to performance and custom work.

Z's will be MY main car but theres not much money to be made from them so other imports will be in our line up.


but this is all down the road.

right now im working in a small shop in houston and im happy.

welding, working, building.. its awesome.


i just gotta get around or atleast with this girl...




and Tim... im trying old guy..

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Edit your profile, you are now NISMOBB Texas Chapter CEO, S30 BOSS (70-78) You now need to organize your crew. You need a guy to BOSS s130 and another for s13. If you end up owning those cars you may appoint yourself if you can handle the small responsibilities. Any other nissan that you wish to include must be led by someone that owns that particular model, a z31 guy for z31 members and so forth. Now build up your squad, PARTNER. You are now part of a crew that represents the new and upcoming generation of Z owners..

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Well I see your STILL poking at this horse ?! :wink: Thats fine...your a cautious young man,thats fine too ! But LIFE has a way of working out for each of us IF you work just as hard for it ! And reading between the lines of the HEART and MIND are a skill developed over experiance and witness. There is NO cheating there ! Those of you out there that feel the need to screw your way through those lessons with woman simply give a bad report from woman exposed to that side of mankind. Men who use the phrase " FUCKEM & FUCKOFF " are generally the same men that have BAD bussiness practices and lack many things that they don't have the ear to hear or care to learn. Your integrity as a man speaks volumes to others but is always subject to critisism .

But as we ALL have said to you in one way or another.........choose your mates with not only what you FEEL,but what you have inside to offer them (forever) and viceaversa .I have made a point to question aged old couples who appear to still Love each other and I ask them" what is it that makes it work for SO long" ? And the answer is almost ALWAYS the same." God comes first,and take on a mate that is EQUAL in ALL ways to your self. Mentally, spiritually, eb and flow of your natures and MORALS !

If your not a termultious type :evil: (gets juiced from havic) then don't subject yourself to something your not built for,and most likely you'd know it by now MIke. :idea:

Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving, and give extra thanks to those people who have put up with your ass all these years !!

.......................Vince 8)

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Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving' date=' and give extra thanks to those people who have put up with your ass all these years !!

.......................Vince 8)[/quote']



best line ever!


and yes vince still throwing this thing around in my head..

it sucks being young and stupid... lol



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There's a BIG difference in being STUPID from INDECISIVE ! :!: There is a POINT when TOO much input is a WASH for decision making however ! :?

So just flush it ! And take a good look down the road at where you REALLY want to spend your time and have a QUALITY life in the end !

And I meant" putting up with ALL of our asses "

...............Vince 8)

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There's a BIG difference in being STUPID from INDECISIVE ! :!: There is a POINT when TOO much input is a WASH for decision making however ! :?

So just flush it ! And take a good look down the road at where you REALLY want to spend your time and have a QUALITY life in the end !

And I meant" putting up with ALL of our asses "

...............Vince 8)


i understand you 100%... i swear your like my mentor vince :)

i need to find out where she stands in all this..

its funny.. she is killing me but yet making me happy at the same time..

love is sick! lol



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well heres my last post on this subject unless somebody else posts lol..


she came to see me the other night, i didnt care for it but she did.

when she came she was stoned out of her mind... ya for me :(

so we didnt talk at all untill the very end when i went back inside thinking she would follow.. she didnt so my best friend started to speak his mind.

telling her she is way beyond messed up and she plays way to many games and how dare she fool with mikes (me) head like she always does..

she got really mad i guess and when i came back outside she jumped in her car as fast as fast can be.

so when i saw all this i ran to her car and asked if i could talk to her, she wouldnt let me. then asked if she could just crack the window so i could say what i wanted.. no dice.

so what did i do? i jumped on the hood of the car and wouldnt get off.. hahaha.

she didnt care so she started to drive off thinking i would get right off.

i didnt.

she she stopped and i talked her into letting me in the car and giving me 5 mins.

told her im done trying on her, i did more then i should have and that she never gave anything.

told her if she wants to be happy then make effort, and that she cant tell me i never tried. said.. if she doesnt want to be with me, fine.. im cool with that but dont screw around with guys heads and i wont fall for it no more.

told her if she needed help she knows my number, but if its any type of way to pull me back into her bullsh!t then ill never speak to her.

told her i love her but it takes 2 people to make things work, not one.


got out of the car and walked away.


and my god did i feel great after that, felt light as a feather!



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:arrow::lol::!: Now you might be aware of your CLEAR conscience ! She will either be jealous of your newfound strength and try to draw you back into the abiss OR.........learn NEW respect for you and perhaps find some for herself ,.......not today....but in a few years !

Well done,(minus the hood stunt) :wink:

Life OFTEN comes down to manipulation of time....and not always your own. Beware of others who do not bring quality to the time they share with you,particularly the me me me me me me me me types !

:!: 1 out of 10 can EVER find the tools in life to fix a portion of screwed psychology ! READ: PORTION !!

Best of Luck Mike finding a more complete girl/woman you DESERVE,your a nice guy !

...............Vince 8)

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Naaaaa he's hooked, she'll reel him back because she likes the turmoil. He's jumping right into her net, the only real way to stop this mess is cold turkey, which I fget from this string is porbably impossible with all the interaction of his friends. Sad part is she knows where you live and she'll come back. If not for any other reason than to be playing and to be told off again.


You're in it deep now. But if I'm wrong then you'll both grow up eventually and may even remain friends who knows. It takes a long time to grow up sometimes, and soem people never do.

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