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Couldn't bring myself to do it... 89 octane...


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I went to the gas station today after school and looked at the prices for gas... $1.75 for 89 octane and $1.86 for 93. I picked up the handle and thought if I should try 89 and see how my engine did, but I just couldn't do it... not for a few bucks anyways. But what are your opinions with my set up... I think 91 is medium grade around here, but should I even bother to risk it? It's realy a psychological thing with me... LOL I NEED HELP


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Here is another way to look at it. How many gallons could you have possibly bought? 12? 13? 12 gallons would have cost you an extra $1.32!! I know its pshycological but if $1.32 is worth the risk of detonation and an engine repair bill, then it's time to start driving a Honda :D. Kind of makes me chuckle when I hear things like this or the person driving the gas guzzler who will drive some extra distance using another 1/2-gal looking to find gas $.02/gal cheaper :roll:

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WOW, gas is cheap down in Texas.


I had the same mentality issues with my last vehicle. When times would get rough though I would still put in 89 and not notice a difference, and I was running 10.5:1 CR

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I too hope that is not the case. I currently pay 195 a gallon for 93 octane fuel in The Big "D" Dallas, Tx. I have 11.18 to 1 compression so there are no other options for me :cry:



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I guess i shouldn't be complaining about the price, there are others out there worse off than me :? Oh well, I guess its kinda like I don't know what i'm missing... like my manager once told me that he put 89 octane into his civic si one day and it freaked out and ever since he's put nothing but 93. I'm just going to pretend like my car will freak too, if I go below 93, and never pump anything lower. Its all in my head...

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