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This has got to be the biggest automotive scam I've seen yet...




SmogBusterâ„¢ is a small green hologram about the size of a quarter. It installs in seconds and it's simple to do it! To attach the hologram, you will need to clean a small area on the "bottom of your gas tank". (use a wire brush if necessary) For added security we recommend using super glue or equivalent to securely fasten the disc to the tank. This is easily done at your local oil change facility.


You will need to watch your oil and change it sooner than normal after application of the SmogBusterâ„¢. The carbon deposits that have built up in the heads and engine will be removed and dropped into the oil pan causing you to need an oil change quicker than normal. We recommend on passenger vehicles an oil change at approximately 500 and 1,500 miles once SmogBusterâ„¢ is applied.


A hologram can do all that AND cut you're 0 to 60 times by 23%!

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A) The Quantum Physics powering the SmogBuster is a propriety technology. However, in simplicity, the SmogBuster is just a custom holographic disc that is able to store and project proprietary programming that affects the properties of gasoline and diesel fuel, causing it to burn cleaner, more efficient, resulting in cleaner emissions.



Just a cute way to get you to buy there little sticker and support there website/cause I would bet. Or just a load of crap

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Guest bastaad525




am I really reading this?? A ... ehem... holographic disc, that cuts polution.



:shock: I must be dreaming.



EDIT: they are areally taking this thing seriously. They have issued a challenge to people to take a smog test and then install this device and test again.


Oh and of course... they encourage you to do the 'smell test'.


ROFL only $300!!!!!!!!!!!! well I was almost curious enough to try one until I saw that. Would I have just been another sucker... or are these people really on to something?

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Yes these people are really on to something!

Although their product has no technical merit they will make enough money on it to purchase a Ferrari or some other NICE toy and all it took was a slick website and some cheap stickers. They may have to deal with fraud charges but if their website is any indication of their skills I bet they have their legal issues covered.

I got em beat in the ethical sense but I bet they got me beat in how much they make a year.


I bet if a person ran an emission test then let their car sit a few minutes and retested the second test would show lower emissions as the heat soak would tend to make EFI run leaner. So their challenge may work regardless if a sticker was installed or not.


Many of their customers will probably swear that the disc works as they feel good about spending money on their cars especially if it can also help the enviroment. I have seen the "placebo effect" many times in my automotive career. People are bad about not seeing their car as many separate systems- 3500 spent in engine comp can make them think their car is NEW and cause the technician problems down the road when other systems fail. I have gotten careful about not getting "married" to roach customer cars.

In the case of this product many (non-enthusiast) people will chance 30 on a product that looks like it is well researched even if it breaks several laws of physics.

Why do you think the National Enquirer sells?

Why does Las Vegas exist?

How do cult religions find worshipers?


Humans HOPE, sometimes stupidly!


Got to go- Need to run down and but some LOTTO tickets



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Well I read 30 in bastaads525 post the first time I saw it not 300. Going to have to be a very un-informed person to purchase this. If I had no morals and could do a scam like this I think I would do it for 20-30 dollars. Many more potential buyers and people are less inclined to fight for 30 dollars that for 300.

What I would like to see is their sales numbers. Might be surprising.


Just think of what any of the major manufactors would pay you if your product could do what this one says. You would never need to work again.



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