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A "must read" for sale ad on craigslist


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"I think he is Korean and dont' no eanglesh"


Naw i`d bet he`s a product of our fine education system. My guess college grad.


"laud muflors and iligthment"


("title/ Salvage") "now i'm buying 3000 GT if you have 3000GT i'll trade it for you i'll pay the rest also trading for honda hatch back, Pontiac or 1989 crx black "tille clean"

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Yeah, ther's a good chance he was born on our soil.

I just figured with the name Anon he had to be Korean.


I think I can make out everything he wnated to say but what the hell is this line?

"hey no problems is fix"

no problems is fix!? what the hell is trying to say? What is he saying, no problems have been fixed and that's a good thing? WTF!?


Bandos. You got it all wrong. He has bandanas on his car cuase he is rolling like a thug.


Do you guys think he thinks Honda Preludes are great cars or somthing? He caps the whole thing like if I said 430 FERRARI.



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"Anon" is part of the 'Anonymous' signature used on craigslist...unless I missed your humor. It is pretty funny/pathetic when we half jokingly say it is probably a college grad; but, my guess is that it is just another shining example of OPEN BORDERS!

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I think he jumped the Fence of Mexico and ran through the woods to grandma`s house. Where he bought a nice pristine silverish blue honda civic. Or it was his Grandma ma`s with only 22,000 miles on the odometer which she only drove to church and bingo functions. It only needed in his words "laud muflors and iligthment". After that he thought it should have a kickin sound system so off to Kmart for a $65 kraco system w/speakers and an "amflapire" and an alarm to protect his investment. Sadly his civic was "stoling twice" and they " stoling twice" his kickin system. And since he`s been driving without insurance,there was no way to issue a claim to recoupe his $130 + alarm investment.


That`s when he got inspired by Pimp My Ride. So off to Pep Boys he went for some, "tailighs a rare tailights, alarm, seat covered and also more infos. a little bet parts" and while he was there he remembered his "Crx has a little bet bandos on it" so 12 cans of black primer went into the cart. On the way to checkout he noticed a SALE sign that read "inluding this rims fet in on any hondas crx,civic,HONDA PRELUDE,accord and mors " he though Hmmm they fit a HONDA PRELUDE,man now that`s pimp`n!


14hrs later he`s got his "tailighs a rare tailights","seat covered and also more infos" along with that flat black primer paint job,that gives the car that lowdown No Fear look we all desire. You`d think our hero is on cloud 9 right about now. Nope, He was but not right now. See remember when you just do too much in a short amount of time and things just start to back fire on you?


Well he hooked up his alarm incorectly. He tried to read the instuctions but everything was just spelled wrong and made no sense to him, so he kept blowing fuses until the "check ingine but no worries just wiring problems" light stayed on. Well this won`t pass CA inspection better get it looked at. So now everything is now""hey no problems is fix" runs good realy good laud muflors ". Until he sees a 3000gt and realizes after the $14,000 in parts and $1200 he paid for the car,plus the $2200 in storage fees from when it kept getting stolen "twice". His time with the little CRX civic just wasn`t giving him the props he wanted. So that`s what lead him to write the ad as we know it. Maybe next time he`ll let his 6 yr old sister proof read the ad. Only one can hope!


Got to give him credit. His english is mixed up and spelled wrong but it`s more than what most "illegal immigrants" would do.



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