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Creative way to get out of an avalanche

Heavy Z

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I have one for ya. During my rebelous youth, on weekends in the summer my friends and I would drive to the Jersey shore for some fun. When you get 6-7 cars filled with car car guys driving the 80+ miles you know something is gonna go wrong. On this one weekend, the runt of the cars we had, a 63 Ford Falcon with a straight 6, started to overheat. With no water bottled water to be found, we used the water from the melted ice in the beer coolers we had. After a few stops there was no more water and some one suggested pouring the beer directly into the radiator. Now you know how that went over with the other guys on the group, a big NO WAY! Then the brainstorm. If we drank the beer we could pee into the radiator! We did make it to the shore and no, we didn't tell the garage that worked on the radiator why the steam smelled funny!



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All this winter I have been hauling tanker loads of road deicer through northern Ontario for the DOT. It’s mostly made up of corn syrup and calcium, but seems to work when the salted ice freezes up again at 20 below. The government is on an environment craze and trying to get away from salt on the road so they are trying just about anything. I hauled an experimental load made of fermenting beet juice that just foamed up and made a mess.


The small town of Guelph has a brewery and they are using a by product from the fermentation process to melt the snow and ice on the roads. Now that’s something I can handle!

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