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Hey pparaska


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Probably a Klez virus (worm), and it is likely it did not come from him as much as it came from somoene who has his address on his computer.


We were having a real problem with them in AL a month or so ago. I was getting them everyday in email from people I did not even know. Norton killed them all.


Was there an attachment to the email? That is the sign of a Klez. Says something like Download attachement and has a misspelled word in it.

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This thing was 317k. I`m not sure what virus it was yet because it was only quarantined. My update service ran out, twak.gif but I`ll have everything updated after the weekend. I usually don`t open anything from people I don`t know.

It must be some fanatic from zcar.com messing with us cuss.gif

It seems odd to me that some random person would be picking names arbitrarilly from this site to infect :rolleyes: but I guess it could happen.

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Sorry, I've been kind of out of touch (work is beating me up lately). I've been emailing denny back and forth. My home machine is clean, and the work one should be fine too (I update my virus definitions automatically every boot and run norton protect full up.)


Probably Klez. I get alot of those emails. For like the last 6 months!

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I may be a target now. shifty.gif luckily I do have all of my updates. I got two emails today that were infected. Both were zcar related titles.

I would not recommend opening any email without having your virus software completely up to date ;) I`m pretty sure it`s from someone at zcar.com cuss.gif I`ve made too many comments about them being nissan fanatics :D

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I agree - run Norton with daily virus updates done automatically, and run auto-protect on all incoming files and internet web accesses.


Just being a vocal anti-purist surely has made me a target - I could care less if they keep sending me viruses. Too bad their little world is so petty that the spawn negativity and closed mindedness instead of just DOING SOMETHING COOL.


The admins here get lots of viruses emailed to us. We just laugh it off and let the software trash-can it. Such losers. I feel sorry for them.

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If they truely are sinking that loooooow; then they definately are bottom feeders. Why do poeple have to be so pathological at times, are they so insecure in their little worlds they cant allow someone else to have an [idea] or opinion of their own? Sad, sad, sad indeed. puke.gif


Eh; we're better off w/out'em.



(Yea,Still an Inliner who never opens email from someone I dont know/or recognize)

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Are you guys all part of the vast right wing conspiracy to get rid of Bill Clinton? HAHA


Seriously, the Klez infects a computer and then uses a name in the users mailbox as the sender, and sends out emails. Pete was just in someone's computer with the virus. It can also randomly generate a name, depending on what virus it is.


Do not open an email that offers Klez protection either.


I got them everyday for a while, and got two last week, one here, and one at home. No matter what the subject, do not open an email from someone you don't know. Norton will catch it when you get your mail. I could not get MacAfee to work right, so I quit using them.

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Originally posted by Lockjaw:

[QB]Are you guys all part of the vast right wing conspiracy..,

Hey; you laugh, but a "Real" conspiracy between the two parties exists (which are we-the right or the left?); and we can call it Z-Gate!


I've already written my congressman requesting to be on the oversight committee; that wouldnt be considered a conflict of interest-would it?


I want..no, I 'DEMAND' ANSWERS! This is undermining American Soverignty-what has the world come too; anyway?



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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I`m pretty sure the virus`s that I recieved weren`t "klez".My norton could not repair the files, nor could it identify it.

Also, for the Klez to attack me from Pete`s pc, my email addy would have to have been on his computer. Up until I recieved the infected mail, Pete and I had never corrasponded.

IMO, someone was useing his address to send mail to another Hybridz member. The fact that he is an administrator, made it much more likely for me to open it without scanning it first.

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denny, I'm glad you didn't get burned with the Klez. And no, I don't think this was a Klez thing either. It just didn't work the way Klez does. There are some issues with some other email addresses, but I won't go there here.


I'm pretty sure this is a deliberate act. I laugh everytime they come through and Norton clobbers them! :D

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