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A little advice on seats for a 280zx...


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After looking through some posts about seats I found some usefull information, but some questions were left unanswered....


I want to get sport/racing seats for my car, nothing too fancy or expesive, and Im not going to shell out $$$$$ for a name like Sparco or whatever (although they do make quality products). I would like them to be leather, and this is what I found.



Now this is where I have issues. Ive read that if you are tall, raising the seat can be bad. Well Im atleast 6'4". an inch or so raise and my head will hit the roof. However, I currently have eclipse seats, which I believe raise the seat too correct?? So perhaps there would be no difference in height with these seats???


I also read that width seems to be an issue, however I was reading that in terms of a 280z NOT a 280zx (which I have), so are there any differences??


What is the general consensis of the "best seat", I dont want to spend more than $700, and it MUSt be black leather.



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I am always amazed how many people keep asking questions about seats and what is the prefered seat to use!!!? IMO, seats are a personal item, like shoes, at the least. Regarding size....we all have different sized butts...enough on that one! What seat fits in my Z? Gawd, I don't know...but if you have a tape measure and the information a manufacture typically posts about their seats, you should likely be able to figure it out (like most of us have had to do). Maybe I'm all fired up form reading about one of our members be jailed for firearms infractions, but come on.....through out my life I've had to rely on only my own insticts, experiences, mistakes, and what ever comes by in the learning curve of life. Seems like alot of people how days want everything for free. Are we getting so lazy that we can even help ourselves? Sorry all, for the rant....guess I'm just venting!


P.S. New seats prices generally start around $200.00 each and go up from there

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FYI....the seats on Ebay ONLY have leather inserts (as shown in the diagram). Also you say you don't want to spend the big $$$ for name brand seats. If you want a full leather seat they are going to cost you way more than $700.00 a pair, from just about any seat manufacture! Good luck with Ebay buddy!!!

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Finding seats that will fit right seems to be a problem. I started a thread a few days ago about seats for a 240, and did receive some feedback. I do not think though that the feedback was enough though to help me make a decision between 3 different seats. Good Luck though, hopefully you have a dealer closer than 6+ hours away where you can sit in the seats you are looking at.

As for the comments 2126 made, I only assume that he may be referring to my post. I have searched and read for literally days (worth of time), and have measured I don't kow how many seats in junk yards and in my other cars I drive regularly. I have also called seemingly all of the local shops around town, and several manufacturers, trying to find demo's or local stock for something I could sit in. I very well believe I HAVE done my homework to the best I could. With that said, I still did't feel comfortable outlaying some good cash for leather seats. Yes it is personal, but at least knowing what the choices are is very helpful. I am sorry to have inconvienced anyone by asking about what I did not find. After all, this is a means of exchanging information about a common interest, Z CARS. A lot of people have aftermarket performance seats similar to those others are seeking. Everybody has a waist and height. I have seen some very helpful information about seats for taller people, along the lines of what seat is too tall. Why is width such a harmful question. Yes, the manufacturers list general dimensions, but even they admitted that the dimensions are general. They don't list everything I need to know so I can fit them into my car without purchasing, or at least calling. Maybe I misunderstood how this sort of forum is supposed to work. I thought it was intended for knowledge transfer, and for helping others. I will continue to help if I can, because if I can save someone else aggrevation, time, money, whatever...I will. End of Rant!


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FYI its not good to "vent" at newbies, thats how you lose members. But nevermind that...


I agree that seats are a personal preference, however why would I want to buy seats to find out they dont fit in my car. Then what?? The point of forums I thought was to collect and share information for the "greater good". Maybe Im off track or out of line.....

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Can't speak to the ZX, but there are common oem seat swaps to the earlier Zs (Miata, fiero, RX7 etc). I would imagine that if they fit the Z, then they should fit the ZX?

If none of those fit your liking, then maybe look for vehicles that have seats that you like, then ask the vehicle owner if you can measure them (preferably someone you know :shock: ).

As for 'racing' seats, the manufacturers usually will post the actual measurements on their websites.


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Sorry, I got so wrapped up in ranting about the venting...I forgot to mention the seats I choose for my 83 280ZX. The original seats were the shorter style with adjustable headrests. I replaced them with earlier (79/80 style) one piece style seats. They bolted right in, color matched perfectly, and they were more supportive, comfortable, and cheap. Not exactly the racing style you might be after though...


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First of all I want to apollogize to anyone I may have offended! Yesterday after reading the post about one of our members going to jail for a firearms infraction got me so worked up....well we can see the results of that in my post. Sorry guys....I lost it!


Regarding the seats....for tall guys I would suggest using a seat with a seat cushion suspension similar to the original Z seats so you don't wind up with your head against the headliner. I believe the width of a seat is a concern in a Z as space is limited. I've read many posts that refer to the Mazda RX7 seats as being very comfortable as well, they fit in the Z. And I think they are leather. iistevo84ii....sorry to dump on you like that!

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