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2JZ-GTE + Ford tauras fan = flickering lights???


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2JZ-GTE + Ford tauras fan = trouble HELP!


My car is has a 90 amp alternator with the tarus fan. When this fan turns on the car stumbles and misses the amp draw on start up isabot 40 amps!!!!


So is the fan drawing to much? Burnt?


I tested the alternator at kragen and they said it was good? IS it? ps the voltage reguator is integrated on it.


Is the battery just to small odyess 680mjt?


When I drive on the freeway the lights flicker...


I need help please.

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Pete Paraska said his Ford GT fan drew 35 amps on high speed. Depending upon which Tarus fan you have 40 amps doesn't sound unreasonable. I think other people have listed current draws and on low speed I don't remember them being that high. High speeds I thought were around that number. If you have the two speed fan can you get away with the low speed only?


Make sure you power the fan via a relay that is wired to the battery with heavy gauge wire. This might reduce the current draw by reducing the voltage drop leading up to the fan.


The fan running while on the freeway may or may not be an issue, but one thing is for sure it is unreasonable to expect the fan to never run or why would you have it in the first place? Thus you need to address the problem anyway.


Battery capacity is not an issue since ideally you want the alternator to be able to supply the full load when running. If you rely on the battery to make up for a too small alternator, then driving at night with the heater and wipers on will eventually leave you with a dead battery.


First thing to do is clean the battery posts. Doesn't matter if they look clean, take a wire brush to them anyway. Also check all connections and grounds to make sure they are tight with no corrosion. I had a similar problem on a dead stock econobox which was cleared up by wire brushing the battery posts.


If all of the above is good, then there is a chance that the alternator is just too small for such a heavy load. Any chance of swapping to a higher amp unit?

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2JZ-GTE + Ford tauras fan = trouble HELP!



Is the battery just to small odyess 680mjt?




The battery is to just start the car, not to supply power when the alt is charging. Your alt may be good but obviously can't supply the amps. I would see if someone can varry the load and run it up to 90 amps.

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I have to agree with Pop in wood. Make sure the fans have relays, and wired properly on their own power sorce. Also...Have you done the headlight upgrade with relays? I believe the battery and alt are good enough. I also believe your problem is in proper distrabution of power as well as grounding. Is your alt grounded? I elivated the Z alt by replaving it with an 80 amp 1 wire hookup GM alt. I have the main 10 gage wire going to a bus bar, then different sorces off that. Of course I used a new fuse block. Make sure you have a good batt to engine ground as well as bat to body ground. Also equally importent is a good body to engine ground. This should take care of your probs. If you are running the 2 speed taurus fan, you should have at least 2 50 amp relays hooked up. One for each speed. I have a diagram of the wiring somewhere. I'd have to look for it if you need it.

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