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My hom made 'fakeo' meter guages..


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Very nice. I've always admired a cost effective and labor intensive way to upgrade anything on a car if done by one's self, and this project you've done is top notch in this catagory. Not easy, but you can say "I did it". Great job!

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:) I wouldn't say it was 'hard' but the first one (tach) took a long time, as I didn't know what I was doing. :lol: I just kept removing screws and playing with it till I figured out how it worked. A friend came by the other night and was shocked with how they looked.. He didn't believe I "made them" myself. Heh...


I'll try to get some pics of the other three tomorrow, and what they look like mounted back in the dash. I puled out a bulb/socket and checked just by touching the wires to battry + - (engin's out, wires are evrywhere, didn't want to hook up the whole electrical system and short something) and I'm happy with it. Just removing the green plastic covers from the back of the guages alows a LOT more light to get in there. Still not autometer, but I made them with my two hands and I'm proud of that.


If there were a bunch of people interested in it, I could do a proper write up with pics and step by step distructions along the way.. or maybe print off a few to send to people 'ready to install' if they lack the computer software/skills... Anyway, thanks again guys.

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I don't think it will fade too much.. The bulbs in the back are about 2" away, and I used the stock metal to lay the paper on, (for strength) so it should help with 'light fade' and as for sunlight, I think mayube over time.. but they're pretty sheltered in the dash. I havn't done much on the car in a while, as I've had issues with the engine re-build (see 'ducks in a row' post, non tech) and have become a little depressed.. not into doing anything Z related recently... I'l try to get pics of the other three guages.. I said I'd do that.. oops. :redface:

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Guest tony78_280z
and have become a little depressed.. not into doing anything Z related recently
I hate that. Can you e-mail me the other guages too? When I get them installed, and get my webpage up. I'll post them for others to download. Don't worry, I'll give you full cred it =)
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Well, I finally got off my arse and DID something (Z related) today. :) I not only got the combo guages in, but I actually took pics too!




I ah.. well, :lol: had to add a personal touch to the stock oil/water guage, as I have aftermarket ones now;




I made that aluminum mounting plate at work yesterday to. It holds the guages and CD player nice, and gives that part of the console a finished look. Till now the CD player was sort of 'floping' around, and there were non functioning lights (seatbelt, fuel) under it. Plastics were all hacked already (previous owner) to the aluminum hides that too. :)


Tony; I'll convert the combo guages file to a .jpg and send it to you tonite. Sorry it's been a while, I've just had.. other stuff to deal with.

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